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In the VVF patients the ADMA inserted between the vagina and the bladder during transabdominal extraperitoneal repair.


This chest tube was inserted into the extrapleural space and not into the pleural space.


Stamens inserted on lower half of corolla tube; filaments much longer than anthers; anthers introrse, extrorse, or rarely latrorse, included to slightly exerted, 2-locular.


Stamens 6, rarely 3, 4, or 8, inserted opposite perianth segments; filaments free or adnate to perianth, rarely connate into a corona; anthers usually 2-loculed, basifixed or dorsifixed and versatile, introrse, latrorse, or extrorse, dehiscing usually by vertical slits.


Stamens inserted on corolla, included to exserted, equal in number to corolla lobes and alternating with them or sometimes fewer; filaments free, much shorter to much longer than anthers; anthers basifixed, 2--4-locular, dehiscing introrsely or extrorsely by longitudinal slits, base slightly to deeply parted.


A hollow probe is inserted into the center of your fibroadenoma, and then a laser fiber is threaded into the probe.


Two Bai Ma are pulling a Mu Li, plow flintily in be being inserted in clay.


A Conjunction is a non-significant sound which, when one significant sound is formable out of several, neither hinders nor aids the union, and which, if the Speech thus formed stands by itself must not be inserted at the beginning of it; e.g.


In our study, 3 genotypies have been respectively demonstrated in UL139 and UL149 for the first time, and the corelations between certain genotypical structure and certain diseases were also proposed; The existence of the 3 genotypes of UL144 was foremost verified in isolates from congenital infants; Furthermore, the UL140, UL141 and UL145 genes were observed to be greatly discrepant to those had been described previously: comparing with Toledo, 231 nt are inserted in UL140, 2 more ORFs are obtained in UL141, and the UL145 ORF moves upstream by 90 nt. Except UL144, the sequences of 18 else genes in clinical isolates were submitted for the first time, and 479 sequences were assigned by GeneBank in total. Relevantly, 9 papers were published.

我们在学术界首次证实了HCMV UL139、UL149两个基因在临床分离株中分别存在三种基因型,发现了其中某个基因型的基因结构与特定来源的分离株存在一定的对应关系;首次在先天感染分离株中验证了UL144三种基因型的存在;首次证实了UL140、UL141和UL145等基因与原先认识的基因结构不同,其中UL140基因较Toledo株增加了231个碱基、UL141产生2个新的基因编码区、UL145 ORF较Toledo株前移90个碱基;首次或最先提交了除UL144基因外其余18个基因的临床分离株序列,本项目组共有479个HCMV相关基因序列被GenBank收录;发表研究论文9篇。

The three conserved histidine residues with a conserved glutamate residue fits the active site of the homology model of oxalate oxidase.2. Construction of plant binary expression vector of germin geneThe germin gene fragment cut with BamH I from intermediated vector pDG28 was inserted into binary vector pBI121 cut with the same enzyme to formrecombinants which was selected by plaque PCR .

Germin基因植物表达载体的构建将中间载体上的germin基因片段用Bam H I酶切下来,插入用同样酶切的双元表达载体pBI121上,以菌落PCR筛选重组子。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
