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Methods We used the automatic DNA sequencing machine (Model 377) to detect the nucleotide sequence of the inserted part of the recombinant plasmid pBX1 from Borrelia burgdorferi B31 strain.


Results ①DNA sequencing showed that pBX1 contained a 477bp inserted gene fragment,and when it was compared with the published sequence of the specific region of the gene of the 83kd antigen protein from Borrelia burgdorferi B31 strain,only one amino acid codon was different.


Boxhead: The space at head of each column in a ruled table where heading is to be inserted .


For each subject, the buccolingual bone thickness was measured by postulating that the miniscrews would be inserted at 16 positions (10, 12, 14 and 16 mm above the median sagittal planes of the interradicular spaces between the first molars and the second premolars in the maxilla, and 30°, 45°, 60°, 90° from the cortical bone surface).

在重建后的锥形线束CT影像上测量上颌第二前磨牙与第一磨牙牙根间矢状面上距离参考平面10,12,14,16 mm的4个植入高度上,以与骨皮质表面成30°,45°,60°,90°的4个方向共16个部位的颊舌侧骨质厚度,计算各植入部位触及上颌窦的危险率,在骨厚度大于6 mm的植入部位模拟植入微螺钉种植体并测量其周围骨质密度。

Fertile stamens 3, on 1 side, 2 inserted opposite sepals, 1 opposite petal; filaments glabrous; staminodes 3; antherodes 4-lobed, butterflylike.

能育雄蕊3,在1 边,2着生与萼片对生,1与花瓣对生上;花丝无毛退化雄蕊3; 4裂的退化花药,蝴蝶状。

Feed was from box magazines, inserted from the left side, with magazine slightly canted down, ejection was to the right.


Coli.Methods The cDNA encoding CP was amplified by RT-PCR using the mRNA extracted from premature Carica papaya as a template,and inserted into vector pET22-b.


Lenticels of young branchlets obvious; floral disk carnose, shallowly discoid or slightly pillow-form; stamens inserted below disk; fruit large, 8-12 mm wide, widely elliptic, rarely globose

幼枝的皮孔明显;花的花盘肉质,浅盘状的或稍枕形;在花盘下面着生的雄蕊;大的果,8-12毫米宽,宽椭圆形,很少球状 4

An additional micro-structure filter design is adopted in this chip to function as a single cell micro-channel for the purpose of centralizing the cells in a line. DNA or other nano-injectors could be pumped to the electroporation region and be inserted into the target cell via the castellated electrodes with several short electrical pulses.

以交流电动式微帮浦传送DNA或是染剂至On-Chip的电穿透实验区域,给予交错城堡状电极数个脉波的电压讯号,使得已被操控至定位的细胞其细胞膜产生暂时性的微通透孔隙,便能够将DNA或是染剂送入细胞中,观察其生物反应,此一技术将可提供生医医药研发及癌症(drug screening and cancer study)方面的研究应用。

Leaves both basal and cauline, cauline leaves 2--4, inserted at middle or above on stem.

叶都为基生和茎生,茎生叶2 --4,在茎上的着生的在中部或在上部。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
