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Akigusa Agrimonia inserted in the bottle for the fruit and glutinous rice dumpling.


The glucoamylase I gene was inserted into the pAC1 plasmid,and a expression plasmid was constructed,then it was used to transform the yeast strain, S.cerevisiae AS2.1364,without auxtrophic marker,The amylolytic tests showed that when this transformant was incubated on plate of YPDS medium containing 1% glucose and 1% starch at 30℃ for 48 hrs zones of starch degradation could be visualized by stained with iodine vapour.


Patients and Methods: Seventy patients having 71 OTA 32 fractures were randomly allocated into 2 groups to be treated with either antegrade or retrograde intramedullary nails inserted with reaming.

病人和方法:70个病人(71 OTA 32骨折)被随机分配至两组,分别采用顺行或逆行髓内针治疗。

Staminodes apically dumbbell-shaped; fertile stamens 2 or 3, inserted in posterior or anterior position.


Drupes with a narrow, apically inserted wing; stipular spines 1 or 2 per node

核果的具一个狭窄,顶部着生的翅膀;托叶刺1或2 每节点 2

Stamens shorter than sepals and petals, inserted on lateral surface of ovary; filament linear to ovate or obovate; anther connective appendaged or unappendaged.


Stamens erect, inserted at base of perianth segments; filaments free or basally ± connate; anthers basifixed, apex often adaxially appendaged; connective extended into a perianthlike, linear-lanceolate, long appendage.


This is not a fatal disease, however, it may lead to serious complications such as chronic cystitis, urolithiasis, or rectal abscess formation. These foreign bodies were inserted for autoerotic or unknown reasons by patients.


RESULTS: The DNA sequence of rLL37 was inserted into vector pET30a and expressed in E.coli BL21 star(DE3). Gel scanning analysis showed that fusion protein accounted for 35% of total bacterioprotein.

结果: 改良的LL37多肽于载体pET30a在杆菌BL21 star(DE3)中高效融合表达,用凝胶扫描显示融合蛋白的表达量约占全菌蛋白的35%。

Stamens 2 × as many as petals, inserted basally on corolla.

雄蕊2 *同数花瓣,着生在上花冠。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
