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The system is dust-proof, water-tight, impact-resistant, maintenance-free and is simply inserted into the tiles, without requiring any preliminary electronic installation work.


Stamens (4 or)5--10 in 1 whorl, inserted in throat and opposite corolla lobes; staminodes absent.

雄蕊(4或)5-10 1轮,着生于喉和对生花冠裂片;退化雄蕊无。

Further, Benedict XIII, in 1726, inserted the name into the Litany of the Saints.


The needle was inserted from left oblique of exposed xiphisternum, which was at the sagittal plane area of lateral margin of left sternum with depth of 2 cm. When blood returning was found, the needle tube was pumpback with a relative uniform motion, it was better to obtain 5 mL of blood within 25-35 s.

首先暴露皮下胸骨剑突,然后从胸骨剑突左侧斜行入针,入针的路线在胸骨左侧缘矢状面上,深度大约2 cm为敏感采血深度,当见到针管有血液进入后,缓慢回抽针管,速度尽量保持均匀,5 mL血液一般用25~35 s的时间采完为宜。

The arrangement of the text in the Septuagint varies from that of the Hebrew text and the Vulgate; the discourses against the heathen nations, in the Hebrew text, xlvi-li, are, in the Septuagint, inserted after xxv, 13, and partly in different order.

安排的案文,在septuagint不同的是希伯来文的文字和武加大;话语对heathen联合国,在希伯来文的文字,四十六-李,是中,在septuagint ,插入后,二十五, 13 ,和部分在不同的秩序。

The CryCI gene and essential regulation elements cut from the plasmid pGF4ABC were inserted into yeast expression vector pPIC9K and plant expression vector pBI 121.1, so we got the secretive yeast expression plasmid pPIC9KBC and plant high-efficiency expression plasmid pGBIF4ABC, Fifty-two His+Muts transformants were obtained after the expression vector pPIC9KBC was introduced into Pichia pasoris, KM7I strain, by electroporation.


Abjective to express the Hepatitis A virus genome cDNA attenuated salmonella Typhimurium and to find the immunity to hepatitis A virus after administrated that salmonella Typhimurium with hepatitis A virus gemome to the mousehepatitis A virus coding region cDNA were inserted expressive plasmid PBV221 and then were transform into E coli DH5α.


Drupelets 3-10(or 15), black, inserted on accrescent receptacle.


A portable target stand having one or more targets mounted on a target backer which is adjustably supported by two vertical support posts partially inserted into the ground.


Methods Fifteen pigs were anaesthetized, and trachea intubation and transfemoral cannula were performed then. Swan-Ganz catheters were inserted to pulmonary artery via internal jugular vein, and aeroperitoneum was set up by airing CO2. These pigs were randomly divided into three groups (5 pigs in each group) according to different levels of IAP (IAP10, IAP20, IAP30). Hemodynamics and oxygen metabolism values were observed and recorded before airing, 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours after airing, respectively.

15只猪经麻醉后,行气管插管、股动脉插管及经颈内静脉肺动脉插管,CO2充气建立气腹,根据随机数字表法将猪分为IAP 10 cm H2O组(IAP10组)、IAP20组及IAP30组(每组5只),记录充气前,充气后6、12、18及24 h的血流动力学和氧代谢指标,观察不同水平IAP在不同时点上对血流动力学及氧代谢的影响。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
