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I use Jumpsoles with the Proprioceptor Plug inserted in the bottom, it's like walking on two mini stability balls.


Many studies about mandibular functional protrusion show that the mandibular postural position is changed and the activity of the lateral pterygoid muscle increases after the appliance is inserted and the proliferation of the condylar cartilage leads to the increases of the mandibular length.


Objective To assess the contraceptive effectiveness, feasibility and acceptability of two kinds of copper IUD inserted in the end of puerperium.

目的 探讨在产褥期末放置两种载铜活性宫内节育器(MLcu 375 IUD和Tcu 220 CIUD)的避孕效果、可行性和可接受性。

Leaves spirally arranged, spreading radially, or directed forward on upper side of branchlets and spreading on lower side, each inserted on a petiolelike pulvinus, linear, straight or curved, quadrangular, broadly rhombic, or flattened in cross section, stomatal lines adaxial or on each surface, vascular bundle 1, resin canals 2, sometimes small and discontinuous. Pollen cones solitary in leaf axils, rarely terminal, ellipsoid or cylindric; pollen 2-saccate.


Evergreen; leaves leathery; style cylindrical; stigma subcapitate or punctiform; locules of fruit stone (2 or)3 or 4; anthesis autumn and winter; bracts inserted at base of inflorescence branches, often persistent to anthesis.

常绿 叶革质;花柱圆筒状;柱头近头状的或点状;果核的室(2或者)3或4;开花期秋天和冬天;苞片花序分枝,对开花期的通常宿存的着生的在基部。

Ovary entire,(2 or)3-carpellate, 1-locular; ovules many, on parietal to basal placentas; style inserted at apex of ovary, persistent; stigma punctiform.


Carton packaging machinery can be divided into origami, the next paper, board push drugs, open the carton, carton transmission, folding tongue, the tongue inserted, to fight mild pressure batch functions.


Chapter 3 gives the theoretical analyses to Q-factor of electromagetic open resonator due to the mirror loss、mirror diffraction loss、coupling aperture loss and inserted dielectric specimen loss in detail by means of the incremental frequency rule and the small aperture coupling theory, and obtains the more precise formulae for calculating Q-factor.


Chin's team then inserted two quadruplet codons into the gene that codes for the common protein calmodulin, and assigned an "unnatural" amino acid to each quadruplet.


An upper base (1) of the reaction device is coaxially arranged into a water cooling sleeve (2); the connection of the upper base and the water cooling sleeve is welded and sealed to form a water cooling chamber; an anode current collecting Pt net (12) is used for collecting current from the anode of a button-typed solid oxide fuel battery (16); two ends of an anode current collecting Pt wire (15) are respectively used as an reference electrode and a testing electrode; the temperature measuring point of a temperature measuring thermal-couple (17) and the button-typed solid oxide fuel battery (16) keep in the same height; the bottom of an anode chamber pipe (6) is inserted into the upper hole of a lower base (43); the lower surface of a quartz sand sintering plate (42) is provided with a carbon fuel thermal-couple (56); all pipes and sealing heads (46) are hermetically connected with each other.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
