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与 inserted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the days of metal type, printers inserted strips of lead between each line to separate them.


The story was inserted as a leading article without my name.


Sealed adaptation is an effective method to resolve leakiness problem when the steel vessel is inserted by the optical fiber.

摘 要:为解决光纤进入钢制容器时造成的泄漏问题,密封转接是一种有效方法。

This is more of an issue in the far east, where the leap second occurs in the middle of the day, and when one is inserted at the end of June and hence often on a working day.


Another catheter was inserted into the left cervial vein for continuous infusion. Blood samoles were drawn at0, 5, 10, 15, 30and60min after injection. and at-10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100and120min when the infusion started. After injectino Acesulfame K 150mo/ko b. w the olasma insulin increased at5min without any sionificant chanoe in the blood olucose. Infusion of Aceuslfame K (20 mo/ko b.

在静脉注射的实验中,分别于注射试剂开始后0、5、10、15、30和60分钟时采集血样品;在静脉输入实验中,于试剂输入开始的-10、0、10、20、30、40、50、60、80、100和120分钟采集血样品;在向大鼠静脉内注射Acesulfame K(150mg/kg体重)后,血浆胰岛素水平在5分钟内明显升高,而不伴有血糖的显著改变。

And the fracture of the left side of the vertical section of the bridge was inserted among the river.


On this day the Japanese will be grass, Lespedeza bicolor, yellow, etc. Akigusa Agrimonia inserted in the bottle for the fruit and glutinous rice dumpling.


Stack is a datastructure which based on LIFO methodology means the item which is inserted first in the structure must be take out last from the structure.


This is a collections of procedures, the use of the data structure in linear form, such as implementation has inserted delete function.


Now and then the dandelion with the fascicular roadside in recalling memory, pick below a few to be inserted in making up good straw hat constantly, cluster round again livelily; coming home now and then the dandelion that the summer in recall countryside grows, in folding below a few to be put in headroom to grow wind constantly, hold the post of nap to face wind fleet.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
