英语人>网络例句>inquiry 相关的网络例句

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与 inquiry 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My company specializing in the production of: sophisticated detection granite slab, granite platform, granite Jiaochi spent Shek Kong cubic feet, granite-foot, granite parallel regulation, to me granite, V-shaped granite blocks and measuring the surface, such as precision measuring instrument measuring tools, machine tools and various table, beams, rails, X-axis , Z axis, and other precision machine tools complement the granite mechanical components, test cast iron plate, flat-panel line, welding flat, T-shape groove assembly platform, the electrical test table, cast iron-foot, curved panels, to me, machine inquiry Seized equipment, machine tools test wand and machine adjustment Sizing Block, machine tools Earthquake Sizing Block, machine bed casting, mold Dianban, laboratory based flat-panel, slot Rail pad me, and so on.


A US Air Force Brigadier General did conduct an inquiry behind closed doors into what went wrong.


Smith has indeed shot Jones; but fuller inquiry shows that he did it unintentionally: perhaps he shot at a bird not foreseeing that Jones would suddenly and without warning step into the line of fire, or that the bullet would ricochet off a tree: or perhaps he thought on good grounds that the gun he was playfully pointing at Jones was unloaded.


Include information of code of source of car of information of transport power information, supply of goods, return trip, carriage special railway line, policy, remover, invite public bidding and car inquiry, content to shed a tool to wait among them.


The facilities and equipment available for standard booth: A 3-sided boarding 2.5 m high, carpet-covered ground, 2 100W spot lights, 2 folding chairs, 1 desk for inquiry, and the power socket with 220V/ 10A as well as the names in Chinese and English at the brow board.

标准展位的设施配备包括: 2.5 米高三面围板、满铺地毯、两只 100W 射灯、两把折椅、一张问询桌和 220V/ 10A 电源插座,楣板上书中英文名称

It employs database inquiry, parametric drawing and autoCADR14 supported ActiveX automation technology to design sleeve roller chain wheel.

采用数据库查询技术、参数化绘图技术及 Auto-CADR1 4支持的 Active X Automation技术,编制了套筒滚子链轮的特征设计程序。

Business: metal processing machinery manufacturing, mold | fixture | Instruments accessories processing | repair and sales of major products: flat-panel inquiry scraping, grinding plate, testing platform, crossed platform, the assembly platform , Maohan platform, surveying platforms, the basic platform, testing platform, welding platform, San Zuobiao platform, combined platform, T-slot splicing platform, parallel-foot, the bridge-foot, rectangular-foot, point-foot , Cubic feet, to me, V-Rail, the partial-place check, the new partial-place, micrometer, school-axis, flatness Qiaoban adjustable, adjustable level of regulation, crossed disk, magnetic to me, magnetic V-type planes, V-shaped pieces of steel planes, machine damping Sizing Block, adjustable Sizing Block, ladder Sizing Block, Pad, chrome-plated jack, the southbound span Jack, Park-testing wand, Park-Jiaochi, table with chrome Park Jiao Chi-chu, Her taper gauge, Her taper shank test rods, 7:24 taper shank test rods, proof-reading Cypriot ring for smooth, sinusoidal regulation, the board cards, aluminum model of the arc, the arc of mold Model-foot aluminum, magnesium-alloy-foot primers, Dummy Bar, granite slab, granite-foot, granite cubic feet, granite, me, V-shaped granite blocks, wrenches Plum, knock - Wrenches, stay wrenches, single wrenches, bending handle wrench, straight handle wrench, convex-wrench, pry bar wrenches, sockets and heavy anti-explosive tool product line.


Novice shop better do first virtual product, point information automatically recharge software is a good choice, point of inquiry into the public version and recharge software diamond edition, the public version of only 80 yuan, 180 yuan diamond proxy version, cheaper than similar products in whole half the price, I just point telecommunications agency, the automatic top-up super easy, you can recharge the National Huafei QQ, novice shop without any credibility and experience in the circumstances when the shop is growing up very difficult, no matter what you are open shop, we need the credibility of other professionals can dares to buy your product, or others to see your credibility so low, do not connect directly look at your product, let alone let people buy.

新手开店最好先做虚拟产品,点讯自动充值软件就是不错的选择,点讯充值软件分为大众版和钻石版,大众版才80元,钻石代理版180元,比同类产品整整便宜了一半的价钱,我就是代理点讯的,自动充值超级方便,可以充值全国话费 QQ,新手开店在没有任何信誉度和经验的情况下将店铺一步步壮大起来时非常困难的,不管您开什么店,都需要一定的信誉度别人才可以敢买你的产品,否则别人一看你的信誉度这么低,直接连你的产品都不看一眼,更别说让人家买了。

The system has graphical display , figure operating , information inquiry , statistical report form and printing and outputting the function, this text has expounded the fact that realizes changing the concrete procedure of the system and implementation method .


The system has graphical display , figure operating , information inquiry , statistical report form and typing and outputting the function, this text has expounded the fact that realizes changing the concrete procedure of the system and implementation method .


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The Inquiry Of Ms. Terri

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
