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与 inquire for 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Parliamentary Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang has on last Thursday submitted a written motion to the Speaker under Standing Order 27(3) to refer MP for Kuala Kangsar and Minister for International Trade and Industry, YB Rafidah Aziz to the Committee of Privileges to inquire whether there is any breach of privilege in her written answer to YB Parliamentary Opposition Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang on 20th September 2005 when answering the question on "the abuses in the issue of APs to import cars, why the sudden jump in the issue of APs in 2004 and 2005 as compared to previous years, and release the full APs lists since 1987 including individual APs."

国会反对党领袖林吉祥已经在上星期四在议会常规第27(3)条文下提呈一项动议,以便把将江沙区国会议员兼国际贸工部部长拿督斯理拉菲达交由国会特权委员会,要求该委员会调查到底贸工部部长在一份于2005年9月20日的一项回答国会反对党领袖林吉祥的书面回答(即一项有关AP分发、2004年和2005 年的AP数目远远超过过往数年所分发的AP数量以及自1987年以来的个人AP持有者的名单)中存有任何违反国会特权的因素。

Objective To inquire early effect of thyroid function after radiotherapy for patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma,clinical characteristic,evaluation index,and provide the basis for the diagnosis.


For, firstly, this activity is the best (since not only is reason the best thing in us ,but the objects of reason are the best of knowable objects); and ,secondly, it is the most continuous, since we can contemplate truth more continuously than we can do anything .and we think happiness has pleasure mingled with it, but the activity of philosophic wisdom is admittedly the pleasantest of virtuous activities; at all events the pursuit of it is thought to offer pleasures marvelous for their purity and their enduringness, and it is to be expected that those who know will pass their time more pleasantly than those who inquire.


Thank you for your Inquire and thank you for your time!


Some time after his moving in, which had borne a singular resemblance to the entrance of nothing at all, to borrow the memorable expression of the principal tenant, this Jondrette had said to the woman, who, like her predecessor, was at the same time portress and stair-sweeper:"Mother So-and-So, if any one should chance to come and inquire for a Pole or an Italian, or even a Spaniard, perchance, it is I."


His notion of a day's work was to ask a passer-by for tuppence for a cup of tea and, having got the money, produce Thermos, milk and sugar for the astonished benefactor and inquire whether they wanted one lump, or two.


For a long time, it is a considerable, frequent and tiresome social activity to charge the consumers of public traffic service industry. It brings much incontinence for the consumers and this industry. The development and application of Information Card brings convenience for society existence. But, present Contact IC is lack of memory, security and duration. It is not suitable for the circumstance where the flow of bus-takers is. It's not easy to insert or take it out, and the read-and-write unit is weak. Radio Frequency Card is avoid above-mentioned shortcomings, so it has a bright future in the public traffic field and other service industries which inquire identification.


E .g . The goods you inquire for are ou t of st ock now .


It is quotative content below: Send content to share, center of dibble seeding business: Recently, allied collaboration site just exists because of copyright issue and copyright a few potential contradiction, for better help dibble seeding stationmaster returns avoid copyright risk, reduce operation risk, classics alliance discusses a decision for many times, share business to make following adjustment to dibble seeding business and content: 1, the film that content provider involves in dibble seeding portal, jump the domain name that turns to content provider undertakes broadcasting; For example, the user is clicked broadcast movie " pass outside Wu Lin " when, the player can inquire to the server " pass outside Wu Lin " provider news of victory, get inquiring the player is automatic after the result jump the page turn Http://xunlei.jeboo.com Face of under one's name of region of this news of victory broadcasts a page to undertake broadcasting, decreased to broadcast the copyright risk of film greatly; But for safety, should broadcast a page not to contain any content besides the player. 2, when using allied player to undertake broadcasting, jump the domain name that turns to content provider undertakes broadcasting, specific broadcast a mechanism Alexandrine; 3, the order programme that shuts bit of order programme serves, and cannot reuse dot order programme undertakes film is released broadcast with film, shut time to be about by August, ask relevant stationmaster to change the technology that the website uses and the content that edit him website as soon as possible. 4, stop to build read channel page, business of original collaboration site will in August the bottom is shut formally; 5, the content that content stops to share by August is updated, the bottom will shut content formally to share professional work in September; Recommend site of this kind of collaboration to select product of allied dibble seeding portal, those who make an user direct enjoy stability is online broadcast.

以下为引用的内容:致内容分享、点播业务站长:近日,联盟合作站点因版权问题与版权方存在一些潜在的矛盾,为更好的帮助点播站长归避版权风险,降低运营风险,经联盟多次商讨决定,对点播业务及内容分享业务做出如下调整:1、点播门户里涉及内容提供商的影片,跳转到内容提供商的域名进行播放;例如,用户点击播放影片《武林外传》的时候,播放器就会向服务器查询到《武林外传》的提供商捷报,得到查询结果之后播放器自动将页面跳转到 http://xunlei.jeboo.com 这个捷报域名下面一个播放页进行播放,大大减少了播放影片的版权风险;但是为了安全,该播放页不含播放器之外的任何内容。2、使用联盟播放器进行播放的时候,跳转到内容提供商的域名进行播放,具体播放机制同上;3、关闭点点播的点播服务,且不可再使用点点播进行影片发布和影片播放,关闭时间约在8月底,请相关的站长尽快更改网站使用的技术和编辑自己网站的内容。4、停止新建看看频道页,原有合作站点业务将于8月底正式关闭;5、8月底停止内容分享的内容更新,9月底正式关闭内容分享业务;推荐此类合作站点选择联盟的点播门户产品,让用户直接享受稳定的在线播放。

Administrators login and management page layout, administrator allocated agency serial number.administrator have the right of inquire about the information of user convenient for the business success,the inquire about administrator serial number he can inquire about all user information.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
