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与 inopportune 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He regurgitates this stuff at inopportune moments. He will just come up and whisper a phrase in your ear, sing a song, mention something about your dad, and—pow!—it puts you in a different world.


Birth and death are always the cause of suffering and there are no Eternal, Bliss, Self, and the Pure, 8 it is not possible to segregate oneself from the eight inopportune situations, 9 one is always pursued by enmity, 10 there is not one dharma that can shake off all things that exist, 11 one is not emancipated from the three unfortunate realms, 12 various twisted views accompany one, 13 no boat is on hand to pass one across the waters of the five deadly sins, 14 birth and death go on endlessly and no limit to this is gained, 15 when no karma is performed, there is no result to follow, 16 no fruition comes about to others for what one has oneself done, 17 without the cause of bliss, there cannot be the result of bliss, 18 once the seed of karma is sown, the result will not be lost, 19 ignorance calls forth life and by it one dies, 20 what one has over the three times of past, present and future is indolence.

出生和死亡始终是痛苦的原因这里没有永恒,极乐,自我,以及纯净,8)要想把一个人从八个不合时宜的情景之中分离出来是不可能的,9 ,一个人总是追求敌意,10),没有佛法能摆脱一切事物的存在,11),人不能从三恶道解脱,12)一个人有着各种扭曲的观念,13)没有船能让人通过五个致命的罪恶,14 )生与死不断的存在,没有积累的限制,15)没有业的产生就没有业的结果, 16)一个人自己造的业果不会出现在别人身上17),没有幸福的原因,就没有幸福的结果,18)业一旦播种,业果也不会丢失,19)愚昧引导的生命会使人死亡,20)懒惰的人占有了他过去,现在,未来的时间。

On period " golden hill business management " the magazine published from " digging pit filling " the by-talk article that speaks of, from a 3 people working party, one person digging pit, telegraph pole of one person erect, one person filling, that person of inopportune erect telegraph pole because reason absent, and the person of filling of those two digging pit is illuminated dry a jest that do not deduce by accident are derivative be short of the impressions that break to business management target.

梗概: 上期《金山企业管理》杂志刊登了一篇从&挖坑填土&说起的杂谈文章,从一个三人工作小组,一人挖坑,一人架设电线杆,一人填土,不巧架设电线杆的那个人因故缺席,而那两个挖坑填土的人照干不误所演绎出的一则笑话引出对企业管理目标缺失的感想。

In a recent interview, Ratan Tata, the group's chairman, admitted that the company bought JLR at an "inopportune time".


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
