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与 injury 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The study wanted to make clear the index of freeze injury to Lichi. Low temperature data of Fujian province recent years and now, information about freeze injury of lichi in survey and literature were gathered, refering to photo and corresponding low temperature data about five county in winter in 1999 that provided by guangxi research institute of meteorological disaster mitigation; by statistic methods dealing with above information gave the result on the extreme low temperature data gathering by thermometer screen and the freeze injury grade of lichi; correlation analysis on data of freeze injury and the extreme low temperature indicated that the temperature of no freeze injury and slight freeze injury and moderate freeze injury and serious freeze injury and most serious freeze injury is respectively -0.3℃ and -1.9℃ and -3.1℃ and -3.8℃ and -4.1℃; Difference of teperature between every freeze injury grade of lichi turned to disappear when grade increased.


According to a questionnaire issued by the Hunan Normal University athletes CHOOSE parade the status of sport injury, injury causes, preventive measures were discussed, mainly come to the following conclusions:① CHOOSE parade of the athletes sports injuries are more common, the rate of injuries 88% of the injury concentrated in the wrist position and thighs of 35.84%; waist accounted for 16.98 percent, 15.09 percent of the knee, shoulder or 11.32 percent, accounting for 9.43 percent of ankle, elbow or 7.54 percent, abdomen, accounting for 3.79%② CHOOSE Exercises for the main types of injury ligament injury, accounting for 33.96 percent; joint injury, accounting for 16.98 percent; muscle sprain, accounting for 15.09 percent; contusion, accounting for 11.32 percent; periostitis, accounting for 9.43%; tenosynovitis, accounting for 7.54 % bursitis, accounting for 3.77%; fracture, or 1.88 percent ③ CHOOSE Exercises injury in the course divided into acute injury and chronic injuries, mainly to acute injury.

根据所发放的运动员问卷对湖南师范大学啦啦操运动员运动损伤的现状、损伤成因、预防对策进行了探讨,主要得出以下结论:①啦啦操运动员运动损伤的情况较为普遍,伤病率达88%;损伤的部位集中在手腕关节和大腿占35.84%;腰部占16.98%,膝关节占15.09%,肩关节占11.32%,踝关节占9.43%,肘部占7.54%,腹部,占3.79%②啦啦操运动损伤的种类主要为韧带拉伤,占33.96 %;关节损伤,占16.98%;肌肉扭伤,占15.09%;挫伤,占11.32%;骨膜炎,占9.43%;腱鞘炎,占7.54%;滑囊炎,占3.77%;骨折,占1.88%③啦啦操运动损伤的病程分为急性损伤和慢性损伤,以急性损伤为主④啦啦操运动损伤的时间主要集中在10一12月份,1一3月份⑤啦啦操运动员运动损伤的预防对策主要包括:注重体能训练提高体能储备、合理安排训练内容和负荷、加强身体全面训练和易伤部位练习的实效性训练、重视运动技术的分析和研究、重视训练后的恢复措施、加强医务监督提高自我保护、重视训练后的放松运动。

(1) cerebral ischemical reperfusion injury rats'limbs motor function is variable. Acupuncture could promote lims'functional recovery.(2) PCNA masc cells is visible in cerebral ischemical semidarkness region. There is cell regeneration phenomenon. Acupuncture could strengthen injury region's PCNA expression, could profit injury recovery and functional reconstruction.(3) In ischemia semidarkness region for the model group and acupuncture group, PCNA masc cells percentage of 14days group is lower than 7days group. Along with the recovery of injury, cell multiplication is weaken.(4) In cerebral ischemia semidarkness region, there is VEGF masc cells and regeneration phenomenon. Acupuncture could strengthen injury region's VEGF expression, could profit protection after injury and blood vessel regenerate.(5) In ischemia semidarkness region for the model group and acupuncture group, VEGF masc cells percentage of 14days group is lower than 7days group. Along with the recovery of semidarkness region, ischemia and anoxemia state is getting improved, and VEGF is reduce.(6) As there are PCNA and VEGF masc cells in brain injured region, we could conclude that, after brain ischemical reperfusion injury, there are blood vessel regeneration phenomenon. Acupuncture could promote blood vessel regeneration, recovery blood supply sufficiently and quickly, and promote the recovery of brain injury region.(7)The VEGF masc cells percentage of inhibitor group is lower than acupuncture group. It state that the effect of acupuncture promote VEGF is partly depend on the existing of eNOS.


The main article is based on China"s current industrial injury insurance,"added weight, light to prevent" an analysis of the status that the current "industrial injury insurance regulations on the provisions of injury prevention systems clear enough; Injury prevention expenses not clear; work injury insurance system is not sound different rates, premium rates and the state of production safety link industrial injury insurance management system chaos, the administration and injury prevention is insufficient, and so on - all factors constraining the injury prevention work the launching.


While the tissue spaces surrounding a few blood vessels wasAl and Fg positive,no Al or Fg positive cells were observed.In antemortem injurygroup,diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage,cerebral edema,swelling or pyknotic neu-rons could be observed.The axons showed irregular swelling and disconnection at1~3h,marked swelling and disconnection at 6h,and retraction ball at 15h whichwas more remarkable at 24h after injury.The space between myelin sheaths andaxons was increased at 3~6h after injury.Tortuous and wavelike myelin sheathswhich adhered on axons incompletely,or even peeled off could be found from 15hto 24h after injury.Perinuclear lysis of Nissl bodies began at 24h after injury.Thenumber of GFAP positive cells in cerebrum and brain-stem increased significantlyfollowed by decrease,and then increased again,but the time courses of the changesin different areas of brain were not same.Al and Fg positive neural cells,mainlysurrounded blood vessels,with diffuse or peripherally distributed positive matter incytoplasm could be observed at 0.5h after injury.The number of Al or Fg positivecells and the intensity of immunoreaction increased with the time of injury.The areaof SYN positivity in medulla oblongata and pons decreased notably 3~6h afterinjury,then return to normal levels and continued to 24h after injury.


The results were as follows: ET〓-RNA expression levels in hypothalamus, hippocampus and temporoparietal grey and white matters of the low and high speed injury groups were elevated significantly than that of control group (p<0.05), but in the above areas of brain, ET〓-RNA expression in hypothalamus and hippocampus were the highest (p<0.01), especially in the high speed injury group; ET〓 contents in hypothalamus and hippocampus in the two injury groups, especially in the high speed injury group, increased very significantly than that of control group (p< 0.01); ET〓 contents in CSF and plasma in the two injury groups, also especially in high speed injury group, increased markedly after 2 hours, and lasted for 8 hours after injury; ET〓 contents in the abovt areas of brain were of highly positive correlation with that in plasma or in CSF.


In this model, injury indexes were quantified and classified scientifically and reasonably, and then the injury and injury degree were evaluated by multiplayer fuzzy synthetic evaluation, so that higher scientific evaluation of injury and injury degree and more transparent and fair adjudge to anti dumping injury research were obtained.


Results one case with bladder injury and one case with ureteral injury recoveried after open operation,one case with bladder injury and one case with ureteral injury were cured through laparoscopic gynecological surgery,one case with bladder injury and two cases with uroschesis were cured after expectant treatment,one case with ureteral injury recoveried after being treated with ureteroneocystostomy.

结果 1例膀胱损伤及1例输尿管损伤术中转开放术治愈;1例膀胱损伤及1例输尿管损伤经术中镜下缝合伤口治愈;1例膀胱损伤经留置尿管保守治疗治愈;2例尿潴留均经保守治疗治愈;1例输尿管损伤经术后行输尿管膀胱再植术治愈。

Results All of the patients with eye injury were male, and accounted for 41.85%, most of who consisted of soldiers and suffered eye injury at training spots. The injuries mainly resulted from trauma and contusion. The injured visited doctors between half an hour and 10 days from the start of injury. The most types of injury were composed of eyelid injury, blunt eyeball injury, hyphema and commotio retinae. The blindness rate was 20.44%, and an eye was removed.

结果 眼外伤患者占同期眼科总住院军人的41.85%,均为男性,士兵居多,受伤地点多在工作训练场所,致伤原因以打击伤、钝器挫伤为主,就诊时间1/2 h至10 d不等,致伤类型主要是睑裂伤、眼球钝挫伤、前房积血、视网膜震荡等,致盲率20.44%,眼球摘除1眼。

To pay attention to carry out effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemostasis by compression and deep vein intubation rapidly in the initial stage of emergency. The carotid shunt tube plays an important role in severe carotid injury and re-establishment process. We use external jugular vein to transplant and re-establish,which are rung with artificial blood vessels for the long distance carotid injury and achieved the best result. We expose as fully as possible for the hepatic venae and the posthepatic post caval injury,and adopt effective methods to stop bleeding and repair. The application of blood shunt pump could raise the success rate for those severe patients. The self-double vastransplantation with both ends being all trousers-style one opening solve some problems such as there are no suitable caliber self-transplantation blood vessels and the artificial blood vessels are easy to occur obliteration for long-term and so on for the great or middle blood vessels.We use improved Fogarty duct and anterograde intubation to eliminate thrombus could eliminate thrombus effectively and avoid accessory injury for the deep vein injury and extensive thrombosis.


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Head Injury
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Lead Me On
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Typical structures of dark septate fungal endophytes, and arbuscular mycorrhizas were found in the roots of nearly all the individuals examined.

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