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与 information area 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to provide the visual information for synthetical management of water and soil conservation, this research hotlinks the attribute of terrain and vegetation to transportation area and sedimentation area through graph database、 erosion database and GIS.

为了给水土保持部门综合治理提供可视化信息,本研究通过建立图形数据库、侵蚀量数据库,借助地理信息系统(ArcView 3.2)将实际地形及植被等属性与侵蚀量的沉积区、搬移区域图形斑块进行热链接。

After mainenervations being drawn out and being dried for 4 hours at 60℃,1156 samples of tobacco leaves from different tobacco producing-area were made into powder (≤0.13 mm). Reducing sugar, total sugar, nicotine, nitrogen, potassium and chlorine of more than 1000 samples from different tobacco producing-area were determined with classical chemical or instrumental methods. By scanning these samples with Fourier transform Near Infrared spectrometer (MARIXT-I produced by Bucker) we obtained their spectrograms, pretreated the spectrograms with a chemometrics software (OPUS 5.5) to debase the noises influence on spectrum information, and built a chemometrics model by means of Partial Least2Squares. The chemometric model was optimized some times and validated with some other samples.

选取全国不同烟草生产地区的1156余烟叶样品,采用相同的预处理条件(去处主脉,60℃烘干4小时),处理成40目待测粉末样品,采用行业经典的化学分析方法或准确可靠仪器方法测定其常规成分含量,在条件一致(20℃~24℃,环境湿度≤40 RH%)的实验室环境中,使用市场上主流的傅立叶变换红外光谱仪(德国BRUKER公司生产的MARIXT-I)上进行图谱扫描,采用OPUS5.5化学计量学软件,对光谱进行适当的预处理,减弱以至于消除各种噪声对光谱信息的影响,用偏最小二乘回归法建立常规成分预测模型,并进行了反复优化和未知样品模型外验证。

Because traditional finance subject utmostly canonize the rational selected mode and methodology which keep the form of the financial interest need of the enterprise and its stockholders and the network of their financial relationship out of its analytic area, so liking the mainstream economics, traditional finance subject can not offer trustworthy explains to many financial affairs and can not prescribe the right policy prescription to the important financial problems, either. As a result of the logistic and realistic errors in the traditional mode, it will have an important and practical meaning to bring the new system principle into the analytic area of the financial subject and to develop the financial theory. The main points of this dissertation are as follows: The financial affairs of an enterprise are not the inner actions of the individual firm, but the function of the financial network of stockholders, so we should use the limit of the affairs not the inner property or inner driving force to interpret the financial affairs of an enterprise, we should use the method of circuital analysis not of individual analysis to investigate the financial affairs of an enterprise; The financial affairs of an enterprise is a social behavior, it is involved in the social structure and is restricted by the social structure, so we should care for the social characters, social responsibilities and social effects of the financial affairs of an enterprise; The financial network of stockholders is composed of five phases as follows: the finance of external stockholders, the finance of the operator, the finance of function, the finance of subsection and the finance of the stuff, in which the finance of the operator is dominant; The operational intensity and efficiency of the financial network of stockholders are influenced by technical factor as well as institutional factor, in which institutional factor is the fundamental character of financial affairs. Ultimately the substance of the financial affairs is the arrangement and operation for the financial system by stockholders; The relationship between enterprise and its stockholders is cooperative and conflicting. The important mechanism to solve the financial conflict between stockholders is the construction of the financial system, including the formal and informal system construction. Information and faith are the important mechanism to coordinate the financial conflict between stockholders, so we should pay much attention to the research of formal and informal system.


The study on this area may provide good information about the late evolutionary history and closing age of the Tibet-Tethys remnant sea. In this work, a great number of microfossils have been found and identified. Study on the microfossils (especially planktonic foraminifera) indicates:(1) the youngest marine bed in Tibet is represented by the top of the Sandstone-shale Member of the Zhepure Formation that occurs in the Zongpuxi Section of the Gamba area, and is of the early Late Eocene age. The age stands for the final closing of the Tibet-Tethys;(2) The age of the youngest marine bed in Gamba is correlative with, or more or less younger than that of the Tingri region. Both are referred to early Priabonian.

对岗巴-定日地区内始新世地层剖面作了极为详细的研究工作,发现并鉴定了数量较为丰富的微体化石,在此基础上对西藏特提斯晚期沉积环境的演变进行了较为详细的分析,认为岗巴地区遮普惹组砂页岩段的时代与定日遮普惹组砂页岩段的时代相同或略晚于后者,两者基本上属同期异相沉积,含相同的浮游有孔虫Morozovella spinulosa-Acarinina bullbrooki组合;藏南最高海相层-遮普惹组砂页岩段顶部的时代应为晚始新世Priabonian早期,它代表着西藏-特提斯海在藏南最终消亡的时间。

In the period of aerodrome construction project geology reconnaissance, highresolution orthomap of working area, 3D Remote Sensing Virtual Reality and animation of planned aerodromes are made with the technologies of Remote Sensing digital image process, Virtual Reality and digital photogrammetry. By information extracting and comprehensively assessing on the geognosy, engineering geology, environment geology and ecoenvironment of work area, scientific foundation can be offered to deciders and workers of aerodrome.


In the period of aerodrome constmction project geology recottitaissance, high-resolution ortho-map of working area, 3D Remote Sensing Virtual Reality and animation o planned aerodromes are made with the technologies of Remote Scttstng digital image process, Virtual Reality and digital photogrammetry. By information extracting and comprehensively assessing on the geognosy, engineering geology, environment geology and eco-environment of work area, scientific foundation can be offered to deciders and workers of acrodrome.


The edge information of face region can be extracted with Robert operator after positioning the face area, then, detecting the circle with the geometry property of circle in the located eye area.


The edge information of face region can be extracted with Robert operator after positioning the face area, then, detecting the circle with the geometry property of circle in the located eye area. After that the centers of eyes can be located accurately.


Opinions vary on the genesis of this type of gold deposits. On the basis of observation and study in this area, with information up to date from other researchers, the authors bring forward that the formation of Muruntau-type of gold deposits in South Tianshan area is closely related to giant nappe structures, especially to the ductile shear zone.


School covers an area of 20066.6 square meters, 15,000 square meters of construction area, Sam Tung buildings, two dormitory, a laboratory building, two multi-purpose teaching the Office, two large computer room, Health Physics and Chemistry Laboratory equipment The two rooms, all equipped with the Office of Teaching and Research Group and a microcomputer to realize the broadband Internet access to a network of teachers to prepare lessons, curriculum resources, information technology, modern teaching methods.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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