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与 infant 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From the very beginning when sound recording, the dubbing director to let Ella be able to have the infant voice, issues an order to want her on the one hand to attract refers to, on the other hand including words plum dubbing, lets the sound a little "the lisper", draws close to ten year old of young male student's sound, for this reason Ella had the confidence to smile said:"on the one hand dubs including the words plum on the other hand, lets the sound have lisper's feeling, a spot also cannot baffle me, I am after all Jinzhongjiang nominate!"


According to the age of onset, the cases were divided into lwo groups, infant group and juvenile group.


There are a few risks associated with gestational diabetes for the infant including macrosomia, an increased baby weight, as well as jaundice, respiratory distress syndrome, low calcium and levels of magnesium as well as the increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life.


Stools were Malacosoma or a mixture of dilute water samples are undigested milk valve, and accompanied by pungent odor of rotten eggs, which indicates that the protein digestion and absorption of food there is an obstacle for such an infant food supplement should be reduced in food proteins.


At the end, I was of course arrested and your father became the hero of the hour: more indeed than the hero of the hour merely: your family now ranks, strangely enough, with the Immortals: for with that grotesqueness of effect that is as it were a Gothic element in history, and makes Clio the least serious of all the Muses, your father will always live among the kind pure-minded parents of Sunday school literature[13b], your place is with the Infant Samuel, and in the lowest mire of Malebolge[13.1] I sit between Gilles de Retz[13.2] and the Marquis de Sade

最 终当然是我被捕入狱,而你父亲则成了一时英雄。何止是一时英雄,你们家莫名其妙地跻身于神仙圣人之列。好像历史也带上了一点哥特式的离奇古怪,从而使历史和史诗之神克里奥成了众缪斯中最不正经的一位。靠着这份离奇古怪,结果是你父亲在主日学校的文学里将永远活在那些个心地和善纯良的父母之中[13b],你将与少年塞缪尔并列,而在地狱最底层的污渎中,我将与崇拜撒旦的雷斯和性变态的萨德侯爵为伍

In the 14th century, the malevolent Maleficent (not dissimilar to the wicked queen in Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) taunts a king that his infant Aurora will fatally prick her finger on a spinning wheel before sundown on her sixteenth birthday.


In the 14th century, the malevolent Maleficent (not dissimilar to the wicked queen in Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) taunts a king that his infant Aurora will fatally prick her finger on a spinning wheel before sundown on her sixteenth birthday.

在14世纪,该恶意Maleficent (并无不同恶人女王在迪斯尼的白雪公主和七个小矮人)奚落国王,他将婴儿极光致命刺她的手指上纺车日落之前她第十六生日。

Later, when an infant is more independent and more confident, the grasping reflex gives way to more sophisticated manipulatory skills.


This boxed set containing all 28 episodes from the first two seasons is payback for the show's devoted cult following, who may be moved to echo the words of infant Stewie Griffin, the megalomaniacal 1-year-old bent on matricide and world domination: Victory is mine!

&这装箱集包含了所有28集的前两个赛季是回收期为节目的专门邪教以下,谁可能被移动到回声的话婴儿 Stewie格里芬的狂人1岁执意弑母和主宰世界:&胜利是我的!

Results In all of them,duplication of pelvis and ureter 6 cases, ureterocele 2 cases, stricture in ureteropelvisc junction 3 cases,congenital megaloureter 6 cases,Conclusion MRU is a safe and noninvasive method for diagnosis the urinary system congenital diseases,especially for infant and young children.


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The Infant Kiss
Infant Child
Let Us The Infant Greet

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
