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与 infant 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This standard according to the infant knitting clothing product characteristics, according to the American association of ASTMD4234 standard test and materials - 2001 women's adult and children dressing gown, pajamas, knitting clothes, underskirt robe, and the standard of performance specifications underwear fabric, GB18401-2003 national textile product basic safety technical specification of drafting.


When the ground was partially bare of snow, and a few warm days had dried its surface somewhat, it was pleasant to compare the first tender signs of the infant year just peeping forth with the stately beauty of the withered vegetation which had withstood the winter —— life-everlasting, goldenrods, pinweeds, and graceful wild grasses, more obvious and interesting frequently than in summer even, as if their beauty was not ripe till then; even cotton-grass,cat-tails, mulleins, johnswort, hard-hack, meadow-sweet, and other strong-stemmed plants, those unexhausted granaries which entertain the earliest birds —— decent weeds, at least, which widowed Nature wears.


Freddie had proved to be nothing more than an innkeeper and ladies' man, the idiom for ladies' man untranslatable but connotating a greedy infant always at its mother's nipple In short, unmanly.


Sucking-on-demand, and unremittingly to the infant feeding is to ensure that the best way to milk.


Talking to your infant is good, but uttering individual words might be better.


Induction or gas can be used better in vacuum bottle of hot water on standby, buy a "warm milk browser" is probably the name, infant and maternal stores are selling, the hot water and cold water for a good 40 degrees, on bottle in a bottle and then warm milk on the device, the heating, when the children eat, the milk powder inside a fall, you can directly drink shaken, and very easy.


Certain Vaishnava legends, especially those referring to the infant Krishna, bearsome resemblance to those of Christianity, and claims have been made by both Hinduism and Christianity that the one influenced the other.


This phenomenon has key implications in the progression of infant and juvenile musculoskeletal deformities, such as adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, hyperkyphosis, genu varus/valgus and tibia vara/valga, as well as neuromuscular diseases.


My parents moved to Vermont when I was still an infant.


Then follow the saints: Peter, prince of the Apostles, vice-regent of Christ; Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles; Andrew, who first heeded the call of the Master; James the Greater and John the Evangelist, the beloved disciple, who, with St. Peter, were most favoured by Christ; Thomas, called Didymus, who received from Christ signal proofs of His Resurrection; James the Less, first Bishop of Jerusalem; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew, once called Levi, the toll-gatherer, who wrote the First Gospel; Simon the Zealot; Jude Thaddeus; Matthias, who was chosen to fill the place of Judas Iscariot; Barnabas, called to the Apostolate by the Holy Ghost (Acts 13:2); Luke, the physician, writer of the Third Gospel and the Acts; Mark, the Evangelist, disciple of St. Peter; all the Apostles and Evangelists; the holy disciples of the Lord; the Holy Innocents, the infant martyr-flowers,"Who, slain at the command of Herod, confessed the name of the Lord not by speaking but by dying" Rom. Brev.

然后按照圣人:黄匡源,王子使徒,副丽晶基督;保罗,使徒的外邦人;黄宏发,谁第一个响应号召的主人;詹姆斯更大和约翰福音,心爱的弟子,谁,与圣彼得大教堂,最喜欢的基督;托马斯,所谓didymus ,谁收到了基督的信号证明他的复活;詹姆斯少,首先主教在耶路撒冷;弘;巴尔多禄茂;马修,一旦所谓的Levi ,不收费的采集,谁写的第一福音;西蒙该zealot ;裘德项;马提亚,谁被选为以填补地方犹大iscariot ;巴拿巴,所谓向使徒由圣灵(使徒13时02分);卢克,医生,作家对第三个福音和行为;马克,传道,门徒圣彼得;所有使徒和福音;圣地的门徒主;圣地无辜的,婴儿的烈士-鲜花,"谁,杀害在指挥希律,坦白的名称,主没有发言,而是由死"。

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The Infant Kiss
Infant Child
Let Us The Infant Greet

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
