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与 inefficiencies 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The economic growth accounting of China's provinces between 1990 and 2004 finds some results like the following: no matter whether human capital was introduced or not, there were technological inefficiencies in most provinces'economic activity which were pure technological inefficiencies or scale technological inefficiencies; technological change, capital deepening and human capital accumulating all promoted labor productivity, but technological efficiency change played a negative role during these years as a whole; the descending order of provincial difference of labor productivities'changes brought out by each factor was technological change, capital deepening, technological efficiency change and human capital accumulating; each province's pure technological efficiency change or scale efficiency change not only had different size, but also different evolution route.


But to the extent that nations, or influential elements of the economic sector within nations, can continue to make money off of the inefficiencies and transaction cost generating events arising from differences in territorially based values or regulatory regimes in a world increasing tending toward a free movement of capital standard, we will continue to suffer through manipulation of these inefficiencies.


The major findings include:(1) By using fuel as the base indicator of relative efficiency, we found the following input factors' distribution inefficiency for domestic airlines: The distribution inefficiency of labor and capital input factors differs from airline to airline, and is becoming more severe with time; the distribution inefficiency of other factors does not differ very much among airlines but varies with time. It is inefficient from 1989 to 1995 but becomes more efficient during 1996 to 1997;(2) Airline companies have higher economies of density before 1996, but tend to show a constant return to density in 1997 when considering allocative distortions. The technical efficiency of input factors as a whole has declined after the open-air policy;(3) The costs of airlines are increasing significantly due to their distribution inefficiencies;(4) The instrument variable generated through a quasi price function does not have significant influence on cost; this may imply that airline companies in this time period did not exhibit the phenomena of high-quality high-price.


"The problem is how to motivate managers to disgorge the cash rather than investing it below the cost of capital or wasting it on organizational inefficiencies." The solution to this problem can, in some circumstances, be debt financing.


Based on the theory of agency, the theory of property rights and the theory of the ownership structure of the firm, Michael C. Jensen developed a hypothesis of free cash flow. He points out "Conflicts of interest between shareholders and managers over payout policies are especially severe when the organization generates substantial free cash flow. The problem is how to motivate managers to disgorge the cash rather than investing it at below the cost of capital or wasting it on organization inefficiencies."


Mexico's president, Felipe Calderón, sent police to shut down Luz y Fuerza del Centro, a state-owned electricity firm where featherbedding and inefficiencies cost the government $3 billion a year. The electricians' union protested.

墨西哥总统卡尔德龙命令警方强行关闭了一家国有电力公司Luz y Fuerza del Centro,其超额雇工和低效率使政府每年损失30亿美元,这也引起了电工工会的抗议。

Rude awakening 猛然醒悟 Mexico's president, Felipe Calderón, sent police to shut down Luz y Fuerza del Centro, a state-owned electricity firm where featherbedding and inefficiencies cost the government $3 billion a year.

墨西哥总统卡尔德龙命令警方强行关闭了一家国有电力公司Luz y Fuerza del Centro,其超额雇工和低效率使政府每年损失30亿美元,这也引起了电工工会的**。

Ishrat Husain, governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, discussed Pakistan's government-owned banks, which have had the more common experience, particularly its agricultural development bank: high nonperforming loans, overstaffing and other inefficiencies, and poor customer service.


The bad news: There will be more shortages and gross inefficiencies in the allocation of resources.


It also highlighted the gross inefficiencies in quality control of China's fragmented and rapidly growing dairy industry.


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Carrying out reserch and analysis on the management system of electric power investment in the socialist market economy, this paper proposes a new investment managemental system, which consists of the proprietor-responsibility system , the project-monitoring system and the tender-contract system.


Some experts say West Lothian may be a "thin place", offering a window from the Earth into another dimension; others say the sightings are linked to the lack of jobs locally, and cheap liquor.


By using of signed directed graph deep knowledge model and inverse direction inference technique, the problem of on-line misoperation autodiagnosis during computer simulation training can be solved effectively.

采用符号定向图(SDG,Signed Directed Graph)深层知识模型配合反向推理方法,可以有效解决仿真训练过程中误操作实时在线自诊断问题。