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与 indigenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ancient and still-surviving indigenous societies developed various forms of huts, tents, igloos, tepees, and yurts to solve the problems of shelter in a particular climate with particular available materials.


Roger and co-authors (1993) suggest that in some instances inoculation may be useful, particularly since the inocula produced with high levels of P may have an advantage over P-limited indigenous strains; however, they suggest management practices that enhance the proliferation of native cyanobacteria to increase the N-fixing potential of these organisms.

Roger 和他的合作者们(1993)认为在某些时候接种剂是有用的,特别是高磷条件下培养的菌种对于低磷土著品系来说有一定的优势;但他们建议采用增强固有兰细菌生长繁殖的管理措施以提高这些微生物的固氮能力。

The treatment with indigenous microbial inocula had higher temperature and lower oxygen concentration at the beginning of composting.


When the Spanish first came to Mexico, they intermarried with and absorbed the culture of the indigenous Indians.


Unlike many other Latin American countries where there is a distinct Indian population, Brazilians have intermarried to the point that it sometimes seems that almost everyone has a combination of European, African and indigenous ancestry.


The author argues that the transnational legal process by which the Bank internalizes indigenous rights norms into domestic legal systems is influenced by external factors (domestic political and legal constraints and the level of civil society activism) and internal factors power relations within the Bank.


The other question was how so much money will be ladled out, how it will be raised and who would receive it: national governments, regional authorities or local people, including the indigenous.


He limits the use of sulfur, works with indigenous yeasts, and macerates the grapes longer to achieve full extraction and complexity.


The results indicate that indigenous organic matters (soluble lipids and insoluble kerogens) preserved in the rocks could still bear abundant significant information on the evolutions of both life and early environment although they may have been highly maturated.


And the population is composed mostly of mestizos, who are descended from the Spanish and indigenous peoples.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
