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与 indigenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fermentations that use indigenous microflora are primarily ensiling and composting.


Chapter 2 enumerates the members of the Shuhan bureaucracy that had appeared in the historical data divided into four parts: Yichou foreign public figures, Yichou exiling public figures, Yichou indigenous public figures and other public figures so as to discuss the main members composing the Shuhan regime.


The social influence refers to the local powers whereas the regime is comprised of the central key figures. Thus, the foundation of the Shuhan Regime was consolidated by the help from diverse social influences. Generally speaking, the constitution of the Shuhan regime was comprised of 3 major influences: the foreign influence group comprised of the previous subordinates of Liu Bei and Jing Shiang group, the Yichou exiling influence group comprised of the Dongchou group led by Liu Chang and his son having exiled to Yichou before Liu Bei and the Yichou indigenous group comprised of the local Yichou people.


In the white settler colonies, indigenous peoples were driven off their land and exterminated.


The cross-century development of Chinese psychology faces the important choose, that is extricates itself from copying western or foreign psychology, and roots itself in Chinese traditions of indigenous mental culture.

摘 要]中国心理学的跨世纪发展面临着一个重要的选择,那就是从对西方或对外国心理学的模仿中解脱出来,使之植根于中国本土心理文化的传统。

Based on the systematic research on investigation and taxonomy of Botany and Zoology as well as application of the indigenous knowledge to utilization and conservation of biodiversity, the families and species of mammals, distribution types and habitat distribution of birds, and faunas of amphibian and reptiles, types and characteristics of the fish in the area were investigated and analyzed.


As in other parts of the Arctic, the indigenous people of Greenland are flexing their political muscles.


As in other parts of the Arctic, the indigenous people of Greenland are flexing their political muscles.


From the organizing order of the social living that are the order of the state and city,indigenous breath, ecological space and furrowing civilization,it analyzes spatial distribution artist characteristics of the old city in Yuci city,which will have important meaning to realize the integral feature and general vale of the old city in Yuci city.


But the ministry's statement, which hews largely to the language of the rules issued in October, indicates that only technology originated or 're-innovated' in China will be considered for the 'indigenous innovation' accreditation.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
