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与 indigenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

62Most academics view the linguistic Turkification of predominantly non-Turkic-speaking indigenous peoples and assimilation of small bands of Turkic tribes as the most likely source of Azeris background.


Ulmus pumila L. var. sabulosa is an indigenous plant in Hunshandake sandy land.


Like the first thin sunlight after rain, there is a meager, yet growing, warmth that is as indigenous to unchosen solitude as sorrow itself is.


Snakebite Orks always carry a selection of venomous serpents with them when they migrate to new planets, just in case the indigenous lifeforms prove to be unsuitably inoffensive.


Thus, we must abandon the concept of "right of vadium", and go back to the institution of vadium itself-an enlivened institution existing for over a thousand years, reverting the venerable tradition in the light of indigenous concept. In this way, we can trace back the origin of vadium.


Be-whiskered fish!:These sharks are named "Wobbegong", an indigenous Australian word that means "bearded".


Indigenous Zoque men carry baskets containing flowers and candles as offerings inside the cave of Villa Luz, during a ritual called "The fishing of the blind sardine" in Tapijualpa, Mexico.


Alai's own experience living in Tibetan area is the precious source for his creation. The reader can feel clearly the indigenous love knot hidden in the bottom of the writer's heart in his narration.


At first, these 'demon devils' were associated primarily with the superstitious practices of traditional Chinese religions, but as Hong's fledgeling religion grew and started to provoke suspicion and persecution from the local government, it rapidly became politicized and militarized, and began to identify the 'demon devils' as China's Manchu rulers, the "Tartar" invaders from the far north-east who had seized the country two centuries before but were never fully accepted by the indigenous Han Chinese and were now starting to find their grip on power increasingly tenuous.


Through this novel, Bellow expresses his opinions on the location of cultural identity-as an immigrant Jew, it is impossible to maintain a pure cultural environment, therefore one must not be acculturated blindly by host countrys culture, and at the same time should not keep a resisting position by tenaciously sticking to his indigenous culture.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
