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与 indigenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The paper is part of the research on tradiontial Chinese medicines modernization in our laboratory. The main work is the study on the constituents of Phellodendron amurense Rupr.indigenous to Liaoning Province China.

本文属于我研究室中药现代化研究工作的范畴,对辽宁道地药材关黄柏(芸香科植物黄檗Phellodendron amurense Rupr。

Qingfei Phillyrin have anti-inflammatory effect, the villagers made of picking tea leaves indigenous steam, brewing with spring water, drinking all the year round, and the role of health care, it is referred to as the "longevity tea."


Phyllostachys is indigenous in China but is also widely and extensively cultivated.


Nevertheless, there are deficiencies concerning the past research of curriculum implementation in our country: the lack of indigenous research and the lack of positivistic research.


Eventually Prajapati would be replaced by Brahman, who was identified with truth and would become the Creator God in the trinity that would include Vishnu, a sun-god who becomes the Preserver, and Shiva, who is derived from the indigenous Rudra, the Destroyer.

最终预言将改为婆罗门,谁是查明真相,将成为造物主上帝的三位一体,这将包括毗湿奴,太阳神谁当选保存,和湿婆,谁是来自土著Rudra ,该驱逐舰。

Through the static analysis, we think that traditional power is a protogenetic power; Tibetan Buddhism is a peculiar religion form that Indian Buddhism blended into the indigenous culture of Tibetan, it has doctrine, sandhana, ceremony and so on, and forms the religion power of worshipping living Buddha as base. The state power forms in the patriarchal clan system society, but it is thought political coercive power, even violence in the XunHua Tibetan area.


Molecular Identification and Analysis of Psidium guajava L. from Indigenous Tribes of Taiwan Tseng-Wei Chen;Chang-Chai Ng;Chung-Yi Wang;Yuan-Tay Shyu


An increase of organic sulfur in pyrolysis of Hongmiao coal indicates that the lack of the indigenous hydrogen may be the key factor determining the transformation of pyritic sulfur into organic sulfur.


They are trying to turn the constitutional vote into a referendum on Mr Morales and his attempt to "refound" Bolivia along "indigenous" and socialist lines.


They are trying to turn the constitutional vote into a referendum on Mr Morales and his attempt to "refound" Bolivia along "indigenous" and socialist lines.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
