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与 indigenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In his early fictions, Yu freed his imagination to search the true souls with the help of new forms and painted a picture full of violence and death, which we may call " the darkness of the world". Then Yu transformed his fictions from subjective imagination to reality by exploring not only new forms but adventure into souls as well. Furthermore, Yu turned to the indigenous culture, that is, the sapience of his people, to seek "the light of the existence", from which the first-class fictions BE ALIVE and THE STORY OF XU SANGUAN.


Each indigenous group has characteristic designs, ranging from tube-like "foot bags" of the Nganasan to sealskin boots with preformed soles favoured by the Chukchi and Yupik.

各个部落有个性鲜明的款式,从 NAGANASAN 的管状的到 CHUKCHIHEYUPIK 喜爱的预制鞋底的海豹皮靴。

Program for Study on Self-culture of Indigenous Peoplewas planned by Institute of Ethnic Relations and Culture in Taiwan National Dong Hwa University at its founding in 1995 as a cultural practice.


These mesmerizing insects, indigenous to the rain forests of Central and South America, get their cobalt hue not from pigment but from the thousands of semitransparent scales that filter blue from the visible spectrum and radiate it out from the wings.


As the mainland sent 2 giant pandas to Taiwan as a gift, the island will present in return a pair of sika deer and a pair of Taiwan Serow, a goat species that are indigenous to the island.


Weakness of Chinese enterprises in indigenous innovation is becoming the shackle of sustainable development.


A monument of Japans indigenous Shinto religion, it was also used to fan nationalism and emperor worship.


A Chinese teachers learning and speaking basic Shona (Zimbabwe's majority indigenous language).

A 汉语老师学习和使用简单的绍纳语(津巴布韦大多数本地人语言)。

Indigenous groups in British Columbia are calling on the federal government to help them protect the sockeye fishery.


"I do think there has been a softening of China's position on indigenous innovation," he said.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
