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与 indigenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That stands in stark contrast to the regular Australian army, which has very few indigenous troops.


This would reintroduce the indigenous view that we belong to the land rather than the other way around.


G receive the support from the government in conservation, development and improvement of local, indigenous or wild plant variety and/or reintroduction of traditional varieties.


Through a combination of strains of resistance - Islamist, nationalist, tribal, sectarian, ethnic, revivalist, democratic and other indigenous movements - most ordinary Arab men and women now behave in a totally different manner than the previous three generations, since the birth of the modern Arab world around 1920: They refuse to bow to foreign ultimatums and threats; refuse to cringe in fear of American, Israeli or British military attacks; refuse to waste time sending petitions to Western leaders asking them to adhere to global rights norms; and they refuse to play smoke-and-mirror deception games designed in Washington and Tel Aviv - or in Tony Blair's wandering mind.


She doesn't acknowledge that Black and Indigenous Americans have long lived under quasi-fascist rule, she doesn't examine the role that previous administrations have played in setting the stage for the Bush regime, and she doesn't acknowledge the roles played by corporatism, widespread social dislocation and the radical Christian right in the rise of a fascist American zeitgeist.


The life education of Taiwan Prefecture was born in ethics education and religious education of a Catholic middle school. It is deeply influenced by Western and religious values, if it popularizes to Chinese society, it may not correspond. Life education needs indigenous transformation and local rootage.


Eucommia ulmoides, a rubber plant indigenous to China.

标题 杜仲是我国特产的橡胶植物。

The last indigenous wild poliovirus in China was isolated in 1994,and since then,the only known isolates that can cause poliomyelitis in Chinese population appear to be the Sabin oral polio vaccinerelated strains.

自从中国承诺 1995年消灭脊髓灰质炎后,每年在常规免疫口服脊灰疫苗的基础上,还增加了国家免疫日或局部地区强化免疫活动,即对 4岁以下儿童,不论既往有无服苗史一律接种OPV。

Also indigenous to the region is the saddleback wrasse, seen underneath, which feeds on dead and damaged skin.


In fact, research carried out among the indigenous peoples of Oceania, the Americas, and sub Saharan Africa have revealed rich and very complex religions, which organize the smallest details of the people's lives.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
