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与 indigenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kiwi is a fruit that is indigenous to New Zealand.


Both Etna and Fort Jones have small museums that reveal a great deal about the Karuks, the indigenous people who lived along the Salmon and the Klamath Rivers, and the miners, loggers and ranchers who displaced them.


The spott ed knapweed is an intruder from eastern Europe that over the past century has displac ed indigenous grasses and degrad ed pastures in North America.


The suggested explanatory framework is called AQAL; its orientation is an integral overview of indigenous perspectives; its social practice is an Integral methodological pluralism; its philosophy is Integral post-metaphysics; its signaling network is IOS — all third-person words for a view of the Kosmos in which first persons and second persons are irreducible agents, bearers of sentience and intentionality and feeling, not merely matter and energy and information and causality.


There are nearly 600 indigenous and exotic vegetal species to be found here, such as the giant Amazonian water lily, the lotus, the latania, the golden bamboo, the spice tree, the ebony tree and the teak tree..


To oppose U.S. imperialism, people of European origin in the Latin-American countries should unite with the indigenous Indians


Imperialism, people of European origin in the Latin-American countries should unite with the indigenous Indians


Content of indigenous lipase in milk is low, and it's heat stability is bad.


Yongding Qu Xiang liquidamber three rural Museum and co-operation in the territory Xiang has 12 indigenous construction lime kiln did not apply for any formalities illegal immigrant without a license belonging to the illegal production and operation, the simple process, there is no dust removal, desulphurization, and other environmental protection facilities in Sulfur dioxide emission of 100 tons and a large amount of dust and seriously pollute the environment, destruction of national resources, harm the interests of the masses, there is a big security risk, it is national policy explicitly out backward production capacity.


Much of Germany and Scandinavia followed Luther's or perhaps Melanchthon's Lutheranism, while England welcomed a welter of continental currents, at first more Lutheran, later more Reformed, to energize indigenous Lollard undercurrents.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
