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与 indigenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But the application of inoculant in field was blocked as the problem of nodulation competitiveness between inoculant strains and indigenous strains was not been solved completely.


The OTSU algorithm (maximization of interclass variance) is considered as one of the superior threshold selection methods.But this method can not segment the path mark image successfully for our indigenous design and manufactured vision navigation intelligent vehicle under bright illumination.A new method based on regional Roberts gradient is proposed in order to solve this problem.


In Indonesia and Malaysia, for example, rates of intermarriage between the Chinese and the indigenous majority are close to zero.


Much more likely is it that indigenous marriage forms should be employed in the celebration of intertribal marriages when they occurred.


It may be doubted whether, in the circumstances supposed, the form of capture would, in a great number of cases, be bequeathed to more peaceful and friendly generations, even in the case of intertribal marriages — in which only the form could be expected to appear ; and at any rate these, when first made subjects of friendly compact, would be too infrequent for their ceremonies to override those which were indigenous, and to be transferred into the general marriage law.


The blood of Persian, Saka, Kushan, Hun, and Arab would spill with that of those indigenous to Sindh and give rise to new peoples of the sub-continent, be they the original Indo-Aryan inhabitants of old, or the more recent Jat and Rajputs.


Jeannette Armstrong's quote is just one illustration of the thinking of many indigenous societies that lived for thousands of years, in a richly sophisticated communion of community, land, culture and spirit.


The conquistadores eventually combined their imported diet of rice, beef, pork, chicken, wine, garlic and onions with the native indigenous foods of pre-Columbian Mexico, including chocolate, maize, tomato, vanilla, avocado, guava, papaya, pineapple, jicama, chile pepper, beans, squash, sweet potato, peanut, fish and turkey.

最终的征服者其进口的饮食相结合的大米,牛肉,猪肉,鸡肉,葡萄酒,大蒜和洋葱与本地土著食物的前哥伦布墨西哥,包括巧克力,玉米,西红柿,香草,鳄梨,番石榴,木瓜,菠萝, jicama ,智利辣椒,豆类,南瓜,红薯,花生,鱼和土耳其。

Johnston says that indigenous people and Western scientists have a lot to learn from one another.


Ribeiro stated in La Jornada: The potential of spermicidal corn as a biological weapon is outrageous, since it easily interbreeds with other varieties, is capable of going undetected and could lodge itself at the very core of indigenous and farming cultures.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
