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The conclusion indicated that the two methods can be used to study the blood relationship and genetic diversity in the camphor tree and the ISSR is more effective than the RAPD.


The results indicated that Antrodia camphorate grows well under the condition of neutrality partial to acidity, while it grows slowly under the conditions of neutrality and alkalinity.


It was indicated that Chinese being investigated were more tolerable that Americans towards homosexuality. We think that it is the key step to cancel homosexual diagnosis for the homosexual problem.


The theory of sidelobe canceler which is common in radar countermeasures is analyzed and two locations are indicated: 1 Depending on the energy of interference; 2 Limited by the interference's changes. Aiming at sidelob canceler's localizations, the paper proposes the method of integrating beam forming and spatial spectrum estimation to eliminate the interference.


Luminous intensity is indicated with the symbol I and its unit of measurement is the candela.

其定义符号为 I 以及其测量单位表示为烛光。

Experimental results indicated that the first canonical correlation coefficient and the second canonical correlation coefficient was 0.8451 and 0.7843 respectively, they have constituted 91.37% of the total correlation. The first canonical variable (V1) of the response signals group had certain predicted ability on physicochemical index of milk, but the predicted ability was a little weak, response signals of ZZ sensor(X1)、CA sensor(X4) and JB sensor(X7) played a crucial role .At the same time, four canonical variable V and W have explained 42.49% and 43.25% of the total variances of the other group respectively.

试验结果表明:第一典型相关系数和第二典型相关系数分别是0.8451 和 0.7843,前两对典型变量共占总相关的91.37%;响应信号组的第一典型变量(V1)对牛奶理化指标具有一定的预测能力,但预测能力较弱,起主要作用的是ZZ传感器响应信号(X1)、CA传感器响应信号(X4)和JB传感器响应信号(X7);与此同时,V和 W 的四个典型变量分别解释另一组变量总方差的42.49%和43.25%。

Results showed that the Canonical Correlation Coefficient A(0.9486) was representing the direct correlation of the motorization with the injury and death rates, referring the higher the motorization, the greater the death and injury rates. The Canonical Correlation Coefficient B(0.9220) indicated the direct correlation between the highway capacity and the frequency of road injury, as well as the larger the highway capacity, the more frequency of road injury occurrance. The Canonical Correlation Coefficient C(0.6446) revealed the relations between levels of road situation and the accident rates per 10 000 vehicles.Results showed that the higher the quality of roadway, the lower was the accident rate.


The standard canonical variable V1 was mainly affected by SBP and W1 by UA and BUN at almost same degree (V1 = 0.6392*SBP'+ 0.4649*DBP', W1 = 0.6990*UA'+ 0.6430*BUN'), which indicated the higher of UA and BUN the higher of SBP, and the degree of correlation between the SBP with UA and BUN was almost sameness.

其标准典型变量V1 主要受SBP的影响( V1 = 0.6392*SBP'+ 0.4649*DBP'),标准典型变量W1 受UA和BUN的影响程度相当( W1 = 0.6990*UA'+ 0.6430*BUN'),因而可以认为UA、BUN越高的个体其SBP越高,且UA、BUN与SBP的升高的关系基本相同。

In addition, there are at least 5 or so has clearly indicated their interest in the issue of capital preservation products.


The results indicated that the use of such membrane could achieve satisfactory separation effects (condensate of high alcoholicity and rich flavoring substances was obtained, membrane-flowing rate: ethanol>esters except ethyl lactate>aldehyde>other alcohol>water), the membrane had good selectivity to ethanol and ethyl caproate had good membrane-flowing rate and membrane-passing percentage, however, ethyl lactate, aldehyde and methanol had poor mambrane-passing percentage with heavy loss during membrane-passing.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
