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与 incumbent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But for the most part, a monkey will type out a Shakespeare play before an "independent" mutual-fund director will suggest that his fund look at other managers, even if the incumbent manager has persistently delivered substandard performance. When they are handling their own money, of course, directors will look to alternative advisors – but it never enters their minds to do so when they are acting as fiduciaries for others.

当一家基金公司-我们姑且称之为 A 公司,被一位经理人 B 以极高价位买断时,弥漫在这个系统内的伪善气氛就会被特别凸显,这时我们立刻可以发现这些独立董事们终于开始&自我反省&,认为 B 先生才是最佳的基金经理人,尽管 B 先生不是今天才存在这个业界,而且通常很不凑巧的,B 先生在自 A 先生手中买下 A 公司后,其薪资价码肯定比原本的薪资水准高得许多,我想主要原因在于,为了取得 A 公司,B 先生已经砸下了大笔的银子,非得从连带移转过来 A 公司的股东们支付(这也是交易的附带条件)的管理费中捞回来不可,(如果想要多了解基金公司的内幕,建议各位读一读 John Bogle 的著作-共同基金的常识一书)。

Many thousands of investment-company boards meet annually to carry out the vital job of selecting who will manage the savings of the millions of owners they represent. Year after year the directors of Fund A select manager A, Fund B directors select manager B,etc.… in a zombie-like process that makes a mockery of stewardship. Very occasionally, a board will revolt. But for the most part, a monkey will type out a Shakespeare play before an "independent" mutual-fund director will suggest that his fund look at other managers, even if the incumbent manager has persistently delivered substandard performance. When they are handling their own money, of course, directors will look to alternative advisors – but it never enters their minds to do so when they are acting as fiduciaries for others.


Er in 1980 in part because the incumbent Carter had been flummoxed by tine taking of American hostages in Iran.


In the case of re-nominations, how is an incumbent's past performance to be gauged?


Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong and the incumbent black area senior official black must win, for the first echelon, will lead 2,000,000 starships, will go to nearby the solar system pluto orbit, will fight to the death with the planetoid; White area senior official white Peter with jumbles together, for the second echelon, leads 2,000,000 starships in Mars orbit area, completes the strategic reserves, and maintains and the first echelon of attack's inter-planetary communication traffic line; The surplus all starship, for the third echelon, will use in the Earth final defense, by alliance president the entire unification plenary powers direction, alliance president the entire unification will keep North Pole Headquarters, will be responsible for the entire campaign the coordinated duty, as well as will be responsible to manage Earth in all thunderbolts.


This is precisely the fight it was hoping for—in which it runs more as an opposition than an incumbent, lambasting the Tories rather than defending the government's somewhat awkward record.


MDC candidate Morgan Tsvangirai nevertheless decisively outpolled incumbent President Mugabe, the ruling party Zanu-PF candidate.


But Curry must understand that it's incumbent upon the coach to fall on the sword, admitting his mistakes for the sake of pacifying the star's delicate disposition.

但是Curry 必须知道,一个尽责的教练懂得什么时候必须放下争议,同时要承认自己的错误好来安抚球星娇贵的性格

This is the innovation that most often replaces the incumbent .


That was a shot at Rick Perry, the Republican incumbent, who got fired up at a tax protest this summer and suggested Texas might consider seceding rather than submit to Washington's socialism.

White先生的主张与现任州长共和党人Rick Perry的观点针锋相对,后者在今年夏天的抗税运动中大放厥词,煽动德州应考虑脱离而非屈从于华盛顿的社会主义政策。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
