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与 inconsistent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In case the time for declaration of death and that of the natural death is inconsistent with each other, the legal effect arising from the declaration of death shall remain effective, but if the civil legal conduct implemented before natural death conflicts with the legal consequence arising from declaration of death, the civil legal conduct implemented shall prevail.


According to the dissenting registration system, when the rights registered in the registration book are inconsistent with true rights, the true claimer or the interested person is entitled to putting forward objection to the present registered obligee.


Kit method and coagulase gene method, to authenticate staphylococci and evaluate coagulase test method. The strain will be test again if the result of 4 kind method are inconsistent.


Some basic properties of σ- LFSR over F4 are studied, such as nonlinearity, cycle structure distribution of state graph, the largest period and counting problem related. The conclusions are as follows:The coefficient ring of σ-LFSR is isomorphic to the matrix ring over F,. The cycle structure of σ- LFSR is consistent with that of the determinant of the corresponding polynomial matrix if and only if the feedback polynomial of - LFSR does not contain nontrivial factor over F2,. The counting formula of the number of σ- LFSR with inconsistent cycle structure is also showed in that part. The period of σ-LFSR with degree n is maximum if and only if the determinant of the corresponding polynomial matrix is the primitive polynomial with order 2n over F2,.

本文研究了有限域F_4上的σ-LFSR的一些基本性质,如非奇异性、状态图的圈结构的分布、最大圈的充要条件及相关的计数问题等,得到以下结论:σ-LFSR的系数环同构于F_2上的矩阵环;σ-LFSR的状态图的圈结构与对应的多项式矩阵的行列式的圈结构一致的充要条件为σ-LFSR的反馈多项式不含有非平凡的F_2上的因式,给出了圈结构不一致的σ-LFSR的计数公式; n次σ-LFSR周期达到最大,当且仅当对应多项式矩阵的行列式为F_2上的2n次本原多项式。

There exist two logics in biology teaching. One is the internal logic of this subject and the other is cognitional logic of students. Sometimes their consecution may be inconsistent.

摘 要 生物学教学中存在两个逻辑,一个是学科内在逻辑,另一个是学生认识逻辑,两个逻辑的顺序往往不尽一致。

There exist two logics in biology teaching. One is the internallogic of this subject and the other is cognitional logic ofstudents. Sometimes their consecution may be inconsistent.

摘 要 生物学教学中存在两个逻辑,一个是学科内在逻辑,另一个是学生认识逻辑,两个逻辑的顺序往往不尽一致。

The most common is the color difference, that is inconsistent with the requirements of foreign investors, but will still be able to guarantee quality.


In addition, exemplary damages are inconsistent with the compensatory theory of TPA.

在此外,惩戒性的损害赔偿是不符合补偿理论的TPA 。

The other is called Householder transformation method, in which the matrix of inconsistent equation group is orthogonalized and triangulated using Householder transformation, and then the Zernike coefficients can be worked out by using a backsubstitution technique. It is proposed for the first time. Being a method that can avoid the computational error effectively and can be easily performed, it has proven to be a feasible and efficacious algorithm.


This will lead the recursive traversal algorithm to follow both the paths, the instruction immediately after the conditional jump instruction and the target of the jump instruction, potentially leading to an inconsistent state.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
