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与 inconsistent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, there is one inconsistent point: telic verbs (accomplishments and achievements) instead of just punctual verbs are first marked.


Values, the chemical composition of biotite of them and their petrochemical composition on the corresponding dia grams are all distributed transitionally between the "typi cal areas"; 2 that the micro-elements indicating genesis and the REE distribution parttens display the transitional change from the mines in North to those in South in this region; 3 that their K-Ar age of biotite is distinctively inconsistent with their Rb-Sr age of total rocks; and 4 that there occur several rock body groups with various genetic features which are formed at the corresponding time in the same Pb-Zn ore fields.


Based on the regional tectonic evolution, combined with the high precision isotopic ages from this paper and other geologists, we have some new acquaintances as follows: 1 There has no Caledonian granite belt distributed in north margin of North China Craton. So, the traditional evolving model of North China Carton, which formed on this idea and the acquaintance about the collision of North China plate and Siberian plate, must be incorrect; 2 The age date show that the earliest magmatic activity began since late-Palaeozoic Permian, which is inconsistent with the previous idea that there were Caledonian and Hercynian active continental margin in the north of North China Craton and in the south Xingkai Massif. 3 the crust and lithosphere were thickened by the subduction and collision of Siberia plate and North China plate during Late Paleozoic. The magma is formed when the crust is heated and melts caused by thickened lithosphere delamination and caused the Asthenosphere upwelling. But only a little basaltic magma erupted, most magma underplate under the bottom of the crust. Thermal energy derived from basaltic magma underplating made the middle and lower crust melt partially and the late Permian-early Triassic granites is formed in large scale.


Aside from that, despite the security policy of firewalls are made unifiedly, these policies are usually described in natural language and for the language obscurity, different administrators would have varied understandings, which will lead to inconsistent, configurations between independent firewall policies.


If links are unstable, flooding of link-state information can lead to unsynchronized link-state advertisements and inconsistent decisions among routers.


Scorpio usually considers Gemini as more superfluous and inconsistent and does not approve the shallow and untrusting free-mixing nature of Gemini.


Volleying is inconsistent, too. Sometimes you're able to volley with authority, but other times you'll be standing at the net ready to put away a ball that's right at your racket, but your player will hit a soft shot that gives your opponent plenty of time to recover.


Opinions concerning the diagnosis and classification of the vulvar diseases are inconsistent at present.


It was conclude that wind and weevils were effective pollination vectors for C. elongata, which inconsistent that Zamiaceae was host-specific insect pollination.


Combinds with several calculating ways of forming ages of rocks (Pb-Pb isochron way, inconsistent line model calculating way and three-stage model calculating way), a way to calculate element content of samples and forming ages of rocks was summarized.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
