英语人>网络例句>inconsistent 相关的网络例句

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与 inconsistent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is familiar in true-life that the owner and the driver of vehicles are often inconsistent. The standard of assuming the damage compensation responsibility of traffic accident is the ascription of masterdom and benefit of operation.


The litany includes purposefully inconsistent and nontransparent enforcement of regulations, rampant intellectual-property theft, state penetration of multinationals through union and Communist Party organizations, blatant market impediments through rigged product standards and testing, politicized courts and agencies that almost always favor local companies, creative and selective enforcement of WTO requirements ...


Nano-imprint lithography drum paper teeth axis, swayig begnawing workparts paper teeth or wear, allows unleashmy begnawing paper teeth in paper in an inconsistent state in that result in bilateral irregular longitudinal misregister, in which case on slow computers are more likely to occur, because the impact of low-speed machine tipping bucket, the strength of a rotational motion paper teeth ranges of swayig high speed machine is used, and indirect sheet transfer unleashmy simpleplan paper teeth have smaller, at the same time as a result of automatic circulation lubrication oil system, unleashmy and apparatdus paper teeth axis is not easy to wear, but bearing in mind that oil, oilway jam torn oil grinding.


Preliminary data on speech effect of STN-DBS on five Chinese Parkinsonia patients were demonstrated. Inconsistent outcome of the performance suggests that future study should include subject selection criteria such as with/ without medication, longterm effects, as well as larger sample size.


Of tumor cells of pleomorphic, that is, the shape and size of the tumor cells are inconsistent.


The volumes of amalgam fillings (triple-surface) and pulpectomy increased after payment adjusted upward; the volume of endodontic treatment (single- and triple-root), complicated tooth extraction decreased after payment adjusted upward; amalgam fillings (single- and double-surface), endodontic treatment (double-root), simple odontodectomy showed inconsistent trends.


The expenditures of amalgam fillings (double- and triple-surface), endodontic treatment (single- and triple-root), pulpectomy, full mouth scaling, simple tooth extraction, simple odontodectomy, complicated odontodectomy increased after payment adjusted upward; the expenditures of amalgam fillings (single-surface), endodontic treatment (double-root), complicated tooth extraction showed inconsistent trends.


In this article, we improve on the traditional proportion quotiety of AHP, and apply a new proportion quotiety that is true of Chinese to build judgement matrix and deal with the inconsistent rule of judgement matrix.


But a strong genetic influence on sexual orientation is not inconsistent with the findings that those who are less likely to be reproductively successful (ugly men, short men, and tall women) are more likely to be homosexual, because the genes for homosexuality can come to be associated with genes for physical appearance or for height.


Some states could formulate domestic conflict of law meets the gauge settledly when assigns based on the conflict law to be suitable a national the law, when the solution of conflict of laws changes according to around the law respective country related law, this conflict of law center applicable law and according to law vassal state solution when has the possibility not to be inconsistent with the interregional conflict of laws, so it possibly produces one new kind "the conflict of norms"- conflict of lawsof the court country and the intertemporal conflict of laws of the state which the applicable belongs to.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
