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与 inconsistent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is not surprising, given the closer proximity of Pengyang to the Asian inland dust sources; The average content of calcium carbonateis of Pengyang section is not only higher than that of central loess plateau, but also higher the west of Chinese Loess Plateau, which reflected Pengyang loess had been deposited by near Liupanshan\'s substances that contained more calcium carbonateis; The content of diffluent element of 10m depth in the section increased fast, which indicated that the modern eluviation and the leaching depth of loess may be stronger than our guess; The soil growth index can reflect the intensity of soil forming and the climatic changes; The "abrupt chang" of glacial and interglacial period was caused by strong soil-forming processes that enlarged the discrepancy of granularity between loess and paleosol. However, the magnetic susceptibility nearly cannot reflect the existence of S_8 and the magnetic susceptibility of S_7 is highest in the whole section, which is inconsistent with other studies that S_5 has the highest magnetic susceptibility.Thin-section examination shows that the micro-texture of the soil layers is divided into both cementing texture in S_7, S_5 and S_1, and granular texture in all others.


Recognize that violations of t你好s Dode are inconsistent with being a professional 软体 engineer.


Zoom - galleria Walter Novellino's inconsistent Doria take on Marco Giampaolo's Cagliari as the visitors try to ensure their Serie A safety this season and the hosts look to force their way into Europe next season.

看点: 帅位动摇的诺维利诺率领桑普迎战詹怕罗的期望成功保极的卡利亚里,主队似有坚定向欧洲赛场进发的步伐。

According to this interpretation, cogito was explained as a thought-act, which had the same logical structure with the speech-act, and the function of cogito was elucidated as follows: I utter the sentence"I don't exist"to myself in mind, and found that this performatory act was self-defeating and existentially inconsistent, so"I am"and"I exist"were self-verifying.


The thesis shows that the contradiction analysis method and the system analysis method are not inconsistent but consistent; that the contradiction analysis method is the core and system analysis method is its supplement and expandedness. They penetrate each other, promote each other and bring out the best in each other.


Popular visions of limitless nanotech possibilities are inconsistent with the finity of natural organizations and earth's resource base.


Currently, in the oil-field exploitation, existing the phenomenon of garbling the lack thickness of stratum with vertical fault-throw in well logging identification of strata while meeting fault in drilling well. In most case, consider the lack thickness of stratum which contrast the imperfection geologic strata thickness to the well and the well as the fault-throw. The method which using very popular in oil-field exist shortages, it very much easily lead people into the areas of misplay. especially when the seismic person and geology confirm the fault-throw, It often appear inconsistent instance.


Obama and Clinton are in substantive agreement on the President's diplomacy-first philosophy and on most policy issues — although neither is willing to disclose the content of their private conversations — but style often predicts substance in foreign policy; neither Obama's gauziness nor Clinton's inconsistent bluntness overseas seems particularly solid.


In this issue of the GEAB, our team analyses the trends at work (real estate market, srategic issues…) within the current chaos resulting from a flood of unchecked public expenditure and a persistently uncontrolled financial system in a context of growingly inconsistent statistics.


Inconsistent with the results from other molecular analysis, the monophyletic Myoida clustered together with Veneroida which confirmed the legitimacy of Myoidas order status. Solenidae occupied the basal position of the monophyletic Heterodonta demonstrating its original position.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
