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与 inconsistent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In SHEN Congwen and Turgenev's works, the thick atmosphere of sadness in their heart from their descriptions of the beauties of nature and the human nature can deeply be felt, which seems inconsistent with the pursuit of the arts but greatly related to the life experiences of two authors, as well as their characters.


May suggest ullage during the life of the wine due to either easing of the cork or inconsistent storage conditions.


Well, please tolerate uncertainly about this game, if it may be inconsistent or hard to understand it.

好吧, 请容忍这个游戏可能是不合理或难以理解的。

Where the origin of the commodities is inconsistent with the declared contents after inspection or check, or the accurate origin of the commodities is undeterminable; or


Even if it can be audited by law, but this is not inconsistent with the public policy is an undisputed fact.


Be soon with the current or future laws and regulations are not invalid or unenforceable, and would be inconsistent with the


Few pastors seem to recognize those activities as being unfitting and inconsistent with their holy calling.


If it is not conceived to be dishonest to choose for intelligence which isn't one's own—because one has the choice for unintelligence , as well—then it is inconsistent to assume that the choice for the Voice for Truth is dishonest , that letting the Voice for Truth be one's self-expression is dishonest , especially when It is meaningful and transformational and everyone else is so grateful that you or anyone else has made the choice for the Voice for Truth rather than conceptual truth , conditioned truth—mutually-agreed-upon truth that has nothing to do with Reality .


At present, the crime units in major criminal and economic cases in the form of pollution,"double penalty" in the application of which there are criminal penalties starting point is too high, the criminal justice unit and inconsistent sentencing procuratorial organ; instead, Sentenced to felony status.


The American Humanist Association, which grew out of the Unitarian movement, holds that human beings can satisfy religious needs from within, discarding the concept of God as inconsistent with advanced thought and human freedom.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
