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In this paper, in vitro umu/SOS test and in vivo Comet assay were used to assess accumulation of genotoxic substances in the soil irrigated with reclaimed water in suburbs of Beijing.
It was found by the experiment of protein in vivo synthesis that the incorporation of labeled amino acid in infected leaves in high temperature increased to 1.51 times of that in infected leaves in normal temperature, and to 1.42 times of that in uninoculated control in higher temperature respectively.
蛋白质体内合成试验发现接种苗移入高温下处理24 h后,接种叶中标记氨基酸掺入率分别增至未经高温处理的接种叶的1.51倍和高温处理的未接种叶的1.42倍。
Cytokines found to have up-regulated in cells were measured in serum and lung tissue of rats exposed to large tidal volume ventilation. For investigating the intracellular pathway of cytokine up-regulation in VILI, exogenous TNF-α or H2O2 was added to culture media of alveolar epithelial cells. Cytokines were then measured. To explore the role of oxidant stress in VILI, N-acetylcysteine, as an anti-oxidant, was used in vitro and in vivo.
NAC also blocked the up-regulation of TGF-β in in vivo model of VILI. Conclusion TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 were up-regulated in VILI. Oxidant injury mediated up-regulation of TGF-β in VILI. NAC, which attenuated oxidant injury and blocked TGF-β up-regulation in VILI, could be a future therapeutic strategy in VILI.
In the in vivo experiment, it was observed that, in the peritoneum from the XYNR treated mice inoculated with S180, the mesothelial cells arranged more and more regularly with the increasing of the dosage of XYNR, while the mesothelial cells in the peritoneum of the mice in the control group necrosed and arranged loosely.
In the in vivo experiment, it was observed that, in the peritoneum from the XYNRtreated mice inoculated with S180, the mesothelial cells arranged more and more regularly with the increasing of the dosage of XYNR, while the mesothelial cells in the peritoneum of the mice in the control group necrosed and arranged loosely.
Benzoate (400 mg/kg) or creatinine (400 mg/kg), two inhibitors of DAAO, blocked D-NNA-induced pressor responses in rats. Furthermore, the addition of the pure DAAO significantly potentiates L-NNA production rate in kidney homogenates by approximately 2-folds. The in vivo and in vitro results suggested that DAAO plays an essential role in the pressor responses elicited by D-NNA.
In order to simply the method, we further propose using magnetic stirring with weighted ring in stead of argon sparging; using air-circulated incubator in stead of water bath for better observation and sample collection; using centrifuging in stead of filtration for extract pretreatment; using one phase of simplified bioaccessibility extraction method instead of the two-phase method for a better estimate to the in-vivo method.
爲进一步简化试验方法,建议将开放式反应槽改为密闭式;使用可调速磁力搅拌及具载重环磁石,取代昂贵之氩气搅拌;将水浴温控改为气控式,以利试验观察与采样。此外,小肠相萃取不使用吸附剂,萃取液前处理利用高速离心取代压阻较高之过滤方式。本研究二阶段试验之生物有效性皆低估动物试验RBF,建议可将二阶段胃肠体外试验方法改为单相一阶段生物有效性萃取(simplified bioaccessibility extraction, SBET)试验方法。
In this test, metabolites and enzyme activities involved in energy metabolism in Cysticercus cellulosae were determined systematicly in vivo and in vitro and under action of drugs.The principles of variation of energy metabolism in Cysticercus cellulosae and mechanism of action of the benzimidazol carbamate drugs were illustrated so as to select an effective drug against immature and mature cysticerci and to provide a theoretical and experimental chemotherapy.
SOD activity was at peak in 5 mg/L Zn treatmenat, indicating greater ability to eliminate ROS caused by excessive Zn. Zn contents in roots and thalluses of duckweed in vivo increased significantly with increase of Zn concentration in solution at 0-5 mg/L Zn. When Zn concentration was higher than 5 mg/L, Zn accumulation in duckweed was no more increased significantly. And, the plant was damaged by excessive Zn.
结果表明:在Zn浓度为5 mg/L时,浮萍生物量并没有受到明显的影响,表现出较强的抗性;SOD酶活性也最高,表明清除氧自由基的能力也较强;Zn的积累随处理浓度增加而增加,在5 mg/L Zn处理时,也基本达到饱和,超过该浓度,吸收量则无明显的变化,同时浮萍也明显受到伤害。
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In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).