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in the vicinity of相关的网络例句

查询词典 in the vicinity of

与 in the vicinity of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact it is the only main road in this area and some 5,000 displaced people who live right in that immediate vicinity have fled their homes and many of them are moving toward Uvira, which is one of the main regional centers in South Kivu.


Ling Mountain is the highest in Beijing's vicinity, at 2,303 meters, and is home to up to 1,000 types of wild plants, making it a paradise for animals such as peccary, rabbits, fox, goats and domesticated yak.


Along the top it tells you what area you are in, within the Mini Map itself is a small relief map of the general vicinity.


The 170 meters deep underground of this area has mineral water that contains rich strontium and metasilicate. The high density of around fruit trees and second growth forests have formed natural oxygen bar in the area, with the air quality keeping class 1 level whole year. It was the only area of Beijing vicinity that was not infected by SARS- seems specially blessed.


Cases of parosteal osteosarcoma on tibia showed bony tumor, which basilar part accreted surface of bone on X-ray, and vicinity cortical bone hyperplasia and harden, soft tissue mass with focal or cauliflower-like high density tumor bone in it. A lucent zone between the cortex and tumor bone was noticed in 1 case.


Based on the SKSwave splitting analysis on the seismic records at 143 broadband permanent and temporary stations deployed in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its vicinity, we have determined the fast polarization direction and delay time between fast and slow waves at individual stations; the pattern of SKSsplitting fast polarization direction exhibits the flow direction of upper mantles material in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, i.e., the clockwise rotation around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis.


The large area of desert without Vegetation cover is widely distributed in Minqin County and its vicinity, which makes up a region of high temperature and low pressure owing to the desert where significant air pressure gradient is raised with cold high pressure from the west Siberia dispreading towards the south of China.


In the immediate vicinity of the apartments there are a number of eateries and a really good asian shop which served brillian coffee.


The key to preve n tion and reduction of the drill string failure lies in prevention.For this reaso n,in view of the different stressed characteristics of the different sections of the drill string in borehole,the research is conducted by dividing the drill st ring into four failure sections,namely,the section at the wellhead and the secti ons at the upper part,vicinity and lower part of the zero stress point,to inves tigate the essence and basic reason of the failure,and to put forward scientific and feasible preventing measures,thus,being advantageous to complete and system atic prevention and forecast of the drill string failure.


By the variety of the air temperature, air pressure, the wind velocity direction of wind...etc. similar from the strong aerodynamics angle in the valley breeze, formation and daytime contrary thermodynamic energy circulation, full elucidation oasis and the sky of the deserts really exist the level air pressure , then cause the vicinity district layer circulation produce, deliver the calories to the oasis to cause improving temperature effect the desert.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
