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in the south相关的网络例句

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与 in the south 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The NATO force in Afghanistan is harrying the Taliban in the south and can certainly protect Kabul.


In the South, such libels hurt.


If you think that sounds painful, then you probably won't want to take part in the World Nettle Eating Championships. This competition takes place in the village of Marshwood in the south-west of England. The rules are simple: each competitor has one hour to eat as many stinging nettles as they can. You'll have to work hard to win it last year's winner munched his way through 14.6 meters of nettles!


Especially,the demand far exceeds supply in the south of China,portending bright market prospects in joint development.


There are indications that the beginning of the real estate summit on "property market in the South China Sea Shiqiao fire and more hot plates" and "prejudging" had first emerged in spring.


For the purpose of this exhibition are worthy of the name 《national, Asian regeneration industry will continue to work in the past, the exhibition as a means of promotion and publicity work, up in the South-East Asia in particular Indonesia local publicity and promotion. By 2010, the Asian ratooning industry will take place in various Southeast Asian countries's massive road show publicity programmes.


Continuous ero sing and recessing of the Diaokou reach in the north , relative stability of the Huanghegang Yellow River Harbor reach in the northeast and continuous silting and advancing of the Hekou river mouth reach in the south .


Www.buffettism.com 巴菲特研究中心 Research Centre for Buffettism avoiding dumb decisions, rather than by making brilliant ones. Since September 11th, Ajit has been particularly busy. Among the policies we have written and retained entirely for our own account are (1)$578 million of property coverage for a South American refinery once a loss there exceeds $1 billion;(2)$1 billion of non-cancelable third-party liability coverage for losses arising from acts of terrorism at several large international airlines;(3)£ 500 million of property coverage on a large North Sea oil platform, covering losses from terrorism and sabotage, above £600 million that the insured retained or reinsured elsewhere; and (4) significant coverage on the Sears Tower, including losses caused by terrorism, above a $500 million threshold. We have written many other jumbo risks as well, such as protection for the World Cup Soccer Tournament and the 2002 Winter Olympics. In all cases, however, we have attempted to avoid writing groups of policies from which losses might seriously aggregate.

In assessing the soundness of their reinsurance protection, insurers must therefore apply a stress test to all participants in the chain, and must contemplate a catastrophe 17 自从 911 事件发生之后,Ajit 就变得异常忙碌,在我们承接且全部自留在公司帐上的保单,主要有(1)南美洲炼油厂损失超过 10 亿美元以上的 5.78 亿美元意外险(2)数家国际航空公司 10 亿美元恐怖份子攻击事件不得撤销第三责任险(3)北海原油平台 5 亿英镑恐怖份子攻击及恶意破坏的产物意外险,以及超过 6 亿英镑以上业者自留或再保损失(4)芝加哥 Sears 大楼恐怖份子攻击事件超过 5 亿美元以上的损失等;此外我们也接了许多项超大型的意外险,例如世界杯足球赛以及 2002 年冬季奥运等,但不论是那一件个案,我们都尽量避免会发生连锁反应大量累积损失的保单,比如说,我们不会一口气接下位于同一个大都会的办公及住宅大楼大量的意外险,除非排除核子爆炸及后续可能引发的火灾损失。

The region ceased to be a major power house since its inclusion in the Persian Empire of the Achaemenids, apparently as two satrapies, Babylonia in the south and Athura in the north.


However, there are also many subsidiary shrines within temple complexes, more particularly in the South Indian temple.


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Deep In The Heart Of The South
Another Sunday In The South
Raised In The South
Down Heya (In The South)
Going Down In The South

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
