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in the south相关的网络例句

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与 in the south 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And Isaias in the south i, 11 sqq.


In response to the deterioration of their economic and social power, a political backlash rose up in the south in the form of the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow laws, which denied African Americans the rights of citizenship and equal treatment guaranteed to them by the Fourteenth Amendment.


Jorid Tveita too in a letter to Ahmedinejad writes: I have gotten hold of information that on Wednesday the 27 of July a protest of about 100 textile workers in the south eastern province of Kerman - most of them women - was violently attacked by the Iranian regime's security forces, according to the state news agency ILNA.

Jorid Tveita也在一封致伊朗总统Ahmedinejad的信中写道:我已经从新闻机构ILNA得到了一些信息,星期三,也就是7月23号,一些示威的纺织工人被伊朗政府的安全部队猛烈攻击了。

The other was a fishing vessel registered in Kiribati in the South Pacific with 12 on board.


The most outstanding original paintings, found in the south of France and Spain in the northern region of the dozens of caves, where the most famous The Lascaux cave paintings in France and Spain, Altamira cave paintings.


Up in the South Stand, it was a welcome note of levity.


The results show that when the depth gradually reduces, pH values gradually increase, but conductivities and (superscript – subscript 3) content gradually reduce. There are also obvious differences between the groundwater in loess, alluvial deposit and acidity rock in the south of Chang'an, which relates to the depth, the characters of loess, the lixiviation and the evaporation. The element content of groundwater is high in the loess tableland, so it's fitter for drinking than the groundwater in the Cuihua mountains, which is of acidity and low element content.

结果表明,长安南部黄土塬随着层位的降低,pH值有逐渐增大趋势,电导率和HCO(上标–下标 3)含量有逐渐减少的趋势;黄土地下水、冲积层地下水和酸性岩石地下水的化学成分存在明显差异,这与其理深、地层性质、溶滤与蒸发作用不同有关;长安南部少陵源黄土地下水元素含量较高,比呈酸性、元素含量低的翠华山泉水更适于饮用。

Xin-Chang railway, grade one trunk line, goes through Yancheng and links up longhair railway, Jiaoxin railway in the north and shanghai-Nanjing railway, Xuhang railway, in the south.


The Vairocana Buddha in the center represents wisdom of the nature of law; the first one from left to the center is Ratnaketu in the South Land of Pleasure, representing good deeds of wisdom of the identity of all things; the second one left is Aksobha in the East Land of Happiness, representing consciousness of great mirror wisdom; the first one right to the center is Amitabha in the West Land of Utmost Happiness, representing wisdom of profound insight; the second one right is Amoghasiddhi in the North Land of Lotus, representing course of wisdom of success.


Comparing with the populations of Canton,Kunming ,Sanhutan,Sumoto, and Kuala Lumper,we come to the conclusion that D.albomicans caught in Shanghai and areas nearby is from a few of places in the south of China-mainland.


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Deep In The Heart Of The South
Another Sunday In The South
Raised In The South
Down Heya (In The South)
Going Down In The South

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
