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in the distance相关的网络例句

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与 in the distance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Color spatial distribution of karyon, cytoplasm and background is statisticed and compared in the thesis. Referring to the relative theories of pattern recognition, the minimum distance-clustering algorithm is betaken to segment karyon in the color images.


Three important conclusions are achieved: 1 By analyzing the demand for spatial resolution of recording medium in different digital holographic recording setups, it shows that lensless Fourier transform holography can relax the requirement of spatial resolution and use the full spatial bandwidth of the CCD sensor. 2 Because of the differences of spatial resolution of image planes in different directions, reconstructed images can be relatively extended in the direction of high spatial resolution and reduced in the direction of the low one. 3 Lateral resolution of the reconstructed images is mainly determined by the highest spatial frequency of digital holograms recorded by CCD, and increases with the larger CCD size, the higher spatial resolution of the CCD sensor, and the shorter recording distance.


Black Summer Days is a Taiwanese rock band loved by many in the indie scene. This time they have worked with Lithoglyph Inc. and produced what they called a "band app" so that you can learn their latest activities on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Also featured are four latest clips of their performance:"Tell Her Your Lie","Problem Child","Sure Distance" and "Y.A."

Black Summer Days 2005 年在台北成军,是四位全心全意将自己奉献给音乐的摇滚男儿所组成的乐团,BSD 这次透过 iPhone 平台,推出全新行动 EP -「Y.A」,包含四首全新录制的单曲-〈对他说谎〉、〈Problem Child〉、〈安全距离〉与〈Y.A〉,让您透过您的 iPhone,经历一场属於自由精神的摇滚洗礼!

The glacial rock surface on the independent hill near Laolinkou Daoban was formed in MIS6. The roche moutonnee in the north of Mountain Tuershang was formed in MIS2. Normally , the distance glacial reached is further and the height of glacial is bigger, the scale of ice age is bigger.


In posthydration magnetic resonance images, the CSF regurgitant fraction was significantly increased after hydration, but the strokevolume, absolute stroke volume, mean flux, stroke distance,and mean velocity in the cranial direction were significantlydecreased.

在核磁共振影像中,扩容后 CSF 的回流明显增加,但是每搏输出量,绝对每搏输出量,平均流量,搏距和向头端方向的平均速率均下降。

With the method of theoretic analysis on the basis of practice,the article indicates that the relaxative exercise has some important effect in influencing the speed skaters' result in long distance event and introduces some training idea and methods for relaxing them.


Results (1) From more than 100 primers, 11 primers producing polymorphism and reproduceable bands were selected, 129 bands were amplified.(2) The percentage of polymorphic bands within different populations were 20.9%-55.0%.(3) The cluster map including all samples were obtained by UPGMA. In the map, there were six cluster groups and three individuals outside the groups. The branch with five samples of Zhongjiang Sichuan population were far from other samples in genetic distance.(4) According to the distribution provinces five groups were divided in genetic variance analysis. Genetic variance 80.44% existing within population, 8.29% among populations and 11.27% among groups.

结果 (1)从100多个引物中选择出11个多态性强和重复性好的引物,扩增得到129条带;(2)不同居群内多态位点比率为20.9%-55.0%;(3)用UPGMA法得到所有样本的聚类图,可分为6个主要分支组和3个组外个体,其中四川中江居群的5个样本聚为一组,并与其他样本遗传距离较大;(4)按产地分组,遗传差异的80.44%存在于居群内,8.29%来自于组内居群间,11.27%的遗传差异来自于组间。

In the parts pulley of the belt conveyor,in the connection of pulley shaft with pulley hub,the even key commonly is used.But for the belt conveyor with long distance,big belt width,big carrying capacity,high speed running,this kind of construction of pulley can't already satisfy requestion.


In view of the following cases:the overall output of the ore and waste of Baiyunebo main stope increases,the output of rock in the stope by railway transportation ends,the rock unload haul distance increases in the west of the stope and the retransportation capacity is not enough,and so on,this article puts forward the design scheme of the transportation system.


Shukria with finely pencilled eyebrows, gazing into the distance, cradling a pen in her hand.


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Train In The Distance
Friends In The Distance
Words In The Distance

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。