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in the distance相关的网络例句

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与 in the distance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was now the Month of December, as I said above, in my twenty third Year; and this being the Southern Solstice, for Winter I cannot call it, was the particular Time of my Harvest, and requir'd my being pretty much abroad in the Fields; when going out pretty early in the Morning, even before it was thorow Day-light, I was surpriz'd with seeing a Light of some Fire upon the Shore, at a Distance from me, of about two Mile towards the End of the Island, where I had observ'd some Savages had been as before; but not on the other Side; but to my great Affliction, it was on my Side of the Island.


The furthest distance in the world is not you have never been in my heart but using one s indifferent heart to dig an uncross able river for the one who loves you .


He has a straight front, proudly carried head, eyes gazing into the distance as if in memory of ages past. The striking characteristics of the breed-exotic, or "Eastern," expression, long silky topknot, peculiar coat pattern, very prominent hipbones, large feet, and the impression of a somewhat exaggerated bend in the stifle due to profuse trouserings-stand out clearly, giving the Afghan Hound the appearance of what he is, a king of dogs, that has held true to tradition throughout the ages.The head is of good length, showing much refinement, the skull evenly balanced with the foreface. There is a slight prominence of the nasal bone structure causing a slightly Roman appearance, the center line running up over the foreface with little or no stop, falling away in front of the eyes so there is an absolutely clear outlook with no interference; the underjaw showing great strength, the jaws long and punishing; the mouth level, meaning that the teeth from the upper jaw and lower jaw match evenly, neither overshot nor undershot.


Another taboo word is refinement of injuries involving human excretion of words is the most typical one, in addition, There are some unpresentable as the vulgar language, aging, illness, death, poverty, gained weight, and other British and American people have always been a taboo subject, thus the number of words in a certain extent, naturally become taboo language, illness and death are the people most fear, The greatest taboo, people do not want to get sick or die, always wanted to avoid the psychological distance, the military said,"the glory,""honor," is not out of "injury" and "death" only these words, the Chinese said "illness" is a lot, and said "death" argument even more, such as heaven, Nirvana, in the final loneliness, sacrifice, death, loss footer, Xie, the death of old, gone, he died, abound.


Has the stress in view of the Guangdong cities degree to develop the metropolis Buddhist temple culture to swim, can maximum limit shrink the weak point to swim the distance, enables metropolis visitors to feel the Buddhist temple culture in the shortest time gradually influencing.


In the small but growing world of long-distance hiking, Scott Williamson is a rock star.


Quadratic assignment problem is a NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem and has been applied in various fields. There are always many zero elements in the flow matrix or distance matrix of the quadratic assignment problem instances which are abstracted from the practical problems. Much computation time can be saved if we can first reduce the size of the problem by using its zero elements.

二次分配问题(quadratic assignment problem, QAP)是应用于诸多领域的组合优化NP-难题,许多从实际问题中抽象出来的二次分配问题,其流矩阵与距离矩阵中存在大量零元素,如果在该类二次分配问题的求解中,能够充分利用这些零元素的信息,将大大缩减问题的规模,节省大量运算时间。

The influence of regional culture to Donggan literature have three facets:literary language,folk custom,effects of writer. Donggan literature under infulunce of regional culture has enlightment singnificance for study of world literature of China.As far as second part is concerned, Middle-Asia Donggan literature and Chinese Hui literature have common cultural oringin.Their development are different directions of Chinese ancient Hui literature.To analyze the common images of two nationalities,such as "moon","cattle" and"Ahong",we can see the relationship between them.We also have new opions of two nationalities\' development,if we take their literature as mutual refrence system. There are comparability between Middle-Asia Donggan literature of Chinese origin and literature of Russian emigrants in China ,though they have geographical long-distance. Chinese culture and Russian culture have influenced these two literature.They can not only display profound influence of Russian culture and Chinese culture collision,but also display various artistic forms of Russian literature and Chinese literature exchang in the 20th century.


The influence of regional culture to Donggan literature have three facets:literary language,folk custom,effects of writer. Donggan literature under infulunce of regional culture has enlightment singnificance for study of world literature of China.As far as second part is concerned, Middle-Asia Donggan literature and Chinese Hui literature have common cultural oringin.Their development are different directions of Chinese ancient Hui literature.To analyze the common images of two nationalities,such as "moon","cattle" and"Ahong",we can see the relationship between them.We also have new opions of two nationalities\' development,if we take their literature as mutual refrence system. There are comparability between Middle-Asia Donggan literature of Chinese origin and literature of Russian emigrants in China ,though they have geographical long-distance. Chinese culture and Russian culture have influenced these two literature.They can not only display profound influence of Russian culture and Chinese culture collision,but also display various artistic forms of Russian literature and Chinese literature exchang in the 20th century.


But after having met Alain, I realized that the distance of gifting talent between he and me is bigger than our difference in height.


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Train In The Distance
Friends In The Distance
Words In The Distance

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。