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in the distance相关的网络例句

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与 in the distance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The stem was cut into several segments away from the pine seeding, arranged and collected in the order of chronology time and distance from where they were inoculated. To separate B.xylophilus coarsely out from the stems and made them into paraffin slices. And be observed under the potics microscope by dyed with safranin-fast green contrast-stain method and PI fluorescence stain method. In order to find out how about the nematode rigour distributing , but also ebb and flow of their amounts after invading the host pine seeding. Seek the pathological changing orderliness of host cells in different position along with the remotion of nematodes. By deeply analysing the variety of host cell nucleolus to estimate whether the host cell took place the programmed cell death after inoculated B.xylophilus.

按时间进程和与接种点上下距离的远近,对松苗分茎段进行粗分离和制作成石蜡切片,分别用番红-固绿双重染色法和碘化丙锭荧光染色法在光学显微镜下观察,以了解线虫侵染后在寄主体内的准确分布和数量的消长,寻找随着线虫的移动扩散,寄主不同部位细胞病变的数量、速度发生的变化规律,并进一步通过分析其细胞核的变化来判定松材线虫侵染后是否能诱发寄主细胞发生程序性死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)。

A great assault weapon scope with an illuminated reticule grid, it allows you to determine kill distance as well as to track and observe game in the field.


Nevertheless, lack of breath forced him to halt after a certain distance, and Jean Valjean heard him sobbing, in the midst of his own revery


And Fewer fixations were required to find the target in the repeated configurations than in the new configurations. Furthermore, the distance of the first saccade from the target were smaller for the repeated than for the new displays. In addition, the probabilities of initial fixation landed on the target were greater for the repeated than for the new contexts.


His boat had proved herself a first-class sailer, and had come the distance from Genoa in thirty-five hours


First we construct a covariance matrix from sample images, then compute the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the covariance matrix, construct a feature matrix with the eigenvectors. Then every images in database can be projected into the feature matrix and gain a projection vector, so does the input image. Then we can judge the resemblance between input image with each image in database by computing the distance between their projection vectors.


To the problem that large-scale labeled samples isn't easy to acquire in the course of SVM training, the active learning strategy is used in the SVM training and an incremental training algorithm of active SVM based on the uncertainty based sampling of distance ratio is proposed in the paper. The experimental results show that the active SVM learning strategy can considerably reduce the labeled samples and costs compared to the passive learning method, and at the same time it can ensure the accurate classification performance is kept as the passive SVM and also expedite the SVM training.

针对 SVM训练学习过程中难以获得大量带有类标注样本的问题,本文将主动学习策略应用于SVM增量训练中,提出了一种基于距离比值不确定性抽样的主动SVM增量训练算法,实验结果表明在保证不影响分类精度的情况下,应用主动学习策略的SVM选择的标记样本数量大大低于随机选择的标记样本数量,大大降低了标记的工作量或代价,而且训练速度同样有所提高。

Owe says the telegraph, developed by Samuel Morse, promoted long-distance trade in commodities such as cotton, which was grown in the southern states and shipped to the north and Europe.

称 SM 发明的电报,促进了远距离的贸易,例如像棉花等商品。棉花种植在美国南部各州,然后被运送到北部和欧洲。

Howe says the telegraph , develop ed by Samuel Morse, promoted long-distance trade in commodit ies y such as cotton, which was grown in the southern states and shipped to the north and Europe.

Howe 称,由 Samuel Morse 研发的电报促进了一些商品的长途交易,比如在南方各州生产的棉花可以运销到北方及欧洲。

Howe says the telegraph, developed by Samuel Morse, promoted long-distance trade in commodities such as cotton, which was grown in the southern states and shipped to the north and Europe.


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Train In The Distance
Friends In The Distance
Words In The Distance

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。