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in the distance相关的网络例句

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与 in the distance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:The depth of the needle to block the glossopharyngeal nerve,showed as the distance between the mastoldale and jugular foramen,was 23.2±0.4 mm in left side and 23.0±0.4 mm in the right side.

结果:舌咽神经阻滞进针的深度:乳突尖端与下颌角之间连线的中点至颈静脉孔的距离,左侧为(23.2±0.4) mm(17.0~30.1 mm),右侧为(23.0±0.4) mm(16.5~33.3 mm)。

Daniele: Have you scored many goals from the distance in a Milan jersey: what do you feel in the very last moment before scoring, when you see a corner of the goalmouth empty and you fire the shot?


We used Edward's long-tailed rats and Cork oakseeds with different seed size, a dominant granivore and tree species in the experimental forest of Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, to test the two predictions of the Optimal Cache Spacing Model in a semi-natural enclosure:(1) The caching proportion of big seedsshould be higher than that of small ones; and (2) the big seeds will be cached at a longer distance from their source sites than will the small ones.


Grudgingly, I accepted that we were not going on our long-distance bike tour, but in the back of my mind I knew that someday I would.


Particularly in theβsubunit, the rotation of the distal HisE7 (63) imidazole ring about the Cα-Cγ bond and its large distance from the haem plane make a hydrogen bond possible between E7 Nε and the terminal binding oxygen atom, while in human oxyHb this hydrogen bond either does not exist or is only very weak.


To correct this, move forward a foot or eighteen inches and try again. When you find the distance from the target at which your knives stick consistently when thrown one-half turn in a way that's comfortable for you, mark the spot: drive a stake in the ground, build a cairn, hire someone to stand there with a flag, but mark that spot, and always practice half-turn throws from there.


Alexander Litovchenko 's 1875 painting depicting Ivan IV of Russia seated in the Kremlin Armoury , his half-witted heir Fyodor standing behind, a group of distrustful boyars whispering at a distance, and the Tsar's jester in a skomorokh cap addressing the English diplomat Jerome Horsey .


By measuring the distance between the stable manifold and the unstable manifold of the hyperbolic fixed point in the Poincare map, it is shown whether the system has transversaUy homoclinicpoints and chaos in the sense of Smale horseshoes.


In the condition without lowering the signal response in reading data and the resolution in reading/writing data, the present invention increases the distance between the lower surface of the solid immersion lens and the CD to relax the requirement on servo system, mechanical transmission system and record environment.


A imputation method based on Mabalanobis distance was proposed to estimate missing values in the gene expression data.


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Train In The Distance
Friends In The Distance
Words In The Distance

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
