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in the distance相关的网络例句

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与 in the distance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is to be noted that one of Logans famous hens '1826' won 8th and 1st in the English NFC National in successive years at a distance of 640 miles.

需要指出的是,罗根一只著名的雌鸽&1826&曾经连续几年八次夺得英国联邦 NFC 全国 640英里赛的冠军。

A broad expanse of the river was turned to blood;1 in the middle distance the red hue brightened into gold, through which a solitary log came floating black and conspicuous;2 in one place a long, slanting mark lay sparkling upon the water; in another the surface was broken by boiling, tumbling rings, that were as many-tinted as an opal; where the ruddy flush was faintest, was a smooth spot that was covered with graceful circles and radiating lines, ever so delicately traced; the shore on our left was densely wooded, and the somber shadow that fell from this forest was broken in one place by a long, ruffled trail that shone like silver; and high above the forest wall a clean-stemmed dead tree waved a single leafy bough that glowed like a flame in the unobstructed splendor that was flowing from the sun.


A broad expanse of the river was turned to blood; in the middle distance the red hue brightened into gold;,through which a solitary log came floating ,black and conspicuous; in one place ,a long slanting mark lay sparkling upon the water; in another the surface was broken by boiling ,tumbling rings, that were as many-tinted as an opal; where the ruddy flush was faintest ,was a smooth spot that was covered with graceful circles and radiating lines, ever so delicatedly traced; the shore on our left was densely wooded ,and the somber shadow that fell from this forest was broken in one place by a long, ruffled trail that shone like silver; and high above the forest wall a clean-stemmed dead tree waved a single leafy bough that glowed like a flame in the unobstructed splendor that was flowing from the sun. there were graceful curves ,reflected images ,woody heights ,soft distances ; and over the whole scene ,far and near ,the dissolving lights drifted steadily ,enriching it every passing moment with new marvels of coloring.


And unconformity surfaces and faults-unconformity surfaces are oil-gas far -distance lateral migration and controlling"young source in old reservoir" type reservoir forming in the exploration strata of pre-Tertiary buried hill type.


These familiar visages in the photos, though still live in this small world, live with a distance between, of location or heart, long or short.


It was impossible, in the first place, because, since experience shows that the movement of columns in a single battlefield at five versts' distance never coincides with the plan of their movements, the probability that Tchitchagov, Kutuzov, and Wittgenstein would all reach an appointed spot in time was so remote that it practically amounted to impossibility. As Kutuzov in fact regarded it when he said that manuvres planned at great distances do not produce the results expected of them.


This new design method can be used not only in the production of this high compact setting-time-adjustable concrete but also in the production other kinds of HPC. This construction technique is suitable for the skatepark and also can be used in construction of other special concrete structures which has complex shape, city sculpture and long distance tunnel.


The remotest distance in the world, no, know obviously that in love each other, but can't be together.


The youngest in the crowd is three-month old Rean. Like everyone else, he is taking part in this Tzu Chi fundraiser where participants raise a certain amount of money for the distance they have covered. Accompanied by his parents, Rean is in a stroller with his own race number.


In standard testing condition, put a steel ruler on test piece and measure the initial length (S0) of marked position in longitudinal and transverse directions with vernier caliper to an accuracy of 0.1mm. Place test piece flatly on glazed tile plate sprinkled with little talcum powder, then put the plate into blast oven (80 ±)oC horizontally and prevent any fold.

5,6-Distance-adjusting screw 图 Figure 4 弯折仪 Bending jig 在标准试验条件下,在试件上面放一钢直尺,用游标卡尺测量试件纵横方向划线处的初始长度 S0,精确到 0.1mm,将试件平放在撒有少量滑石粉的釉面砖垫板上,再将垫板水平放入(80±2)oC 的鼓风烘箱中,不得叠放,在此温度下恒温 24h。

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Train In The Distance
Friends In The Distance
Words In The Distance

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
