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in the distance相关的网络例句

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与 in the distance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to optimize the energy consumption and to prolong the lifetime of networks, two schemes of local tasking node selection in a self-adaptive way are given in the decentralized sensor networks, including the scheme of nearest distance between target and nodes of candidate and the least trace of covariance matrix scheme.


The common capacitance sensor is composed of two-electrode planks which vary in shape and can be fixed in different plane of space. The driving and inductive electrode pole placed in the same plane of the uniplanar scattering-field capacitive sensor. The electric field presents scattering. As the shape of power line in the electric fields is like semicircular arc or ellipse, there is some limits in the measurement depth of uniplanar scattering-field capacitive sensor, and its penetration depth is equal to 2/3 of center distance of adjacent driving and irritable electrode pole.


The paper, which is based on the "Research and Development of the Speed-up Train"s Manipulation of Optimization and Train Simulator project, concerns the sound system in the Train Simulator. In the paper, the sound system includes two parts contents: firstly, improving the sound effect of the sound simulation system in the Train Simulator and enhancing 3D sound effect, such as sense of distance, sense of orientation, Doppler Effect etc, to make the sound of training environment more verisimilar; secondly, realization of the speech communication in network between teacher and student in the Train Simulator.


In the study process of some kinds of AAM, the simulations of radio amendatory channel have to be carried out in different trajectories in order to validate the capability of radio amendatory channel and calculate the maximum distance that missile can overshoot.


Studies have linked the phthalates or their metabolites, including monoethyl phthalate and mono-n-butyl phthalate, with androgen-lowering activities, abnormal Leydig cell function, a decrease in anogenital distance in male infants, and reproductive tract malformations including hypospadias.


We didn''t think he could cover the distance in aquarter of an hour,but he succeeded in doing it.


In Tibet, no small distance, and speaks of the "fiery chariot" thus: Bhima flew along in his car, resplendent as the sun and loud as thunder... The flying chariot shone like a flame in the night sky of summer... it swept by like a comet... It was as if two suns were shining.


These antennas can cover GSM900/DCS/PCS/UMTS operation. In the chapter 2, the antenna is designed based on the concept of monopole antenna. Furthermore, the antenna structure have two radiant paths and coupled each other at tail end to do impedance matching. In addition, to raise distance between radiation plane and ground will avoid capacitative effect effectually. In the chapter 3, the antenna is designed based on the concept of planar inverted-F antenna. Furthermore, that the antenna structure have two radiant paths and coupled each other at tail end to do impedance matching is similar to chapter 2. But there is a difference in them. We can choose the short position to change input impedance at this structure. In the chapter 4, the antenna is designed based on the concept of planar inverted-F antenna which takes coupled-fed. It will produce the first mode and high-order mode near the frequency, 900MHz. The feature of this type is to reduce the volume effectually. This antenna can not only cover GSM900/DCS/PCS/UMTS operation but maintain good radiation efficiency. Finally, we will compare three antennas, and develop procedure with industrial view, and propose the prospect of the GSM/GPRS antenna in PND, as a conclusion.

在第二章中,我们使用单极天线设计概念,使用双路径架构并於末端耦合来对天线阻抗做匹配,产生涵盖GSM900/DCS/PCS/UMTS四频操作频带,并提高与接地面的辐射高度,以避免电容效应,使天线具有良好的辐射特性;在第三章中,使用倒F形天线设计概念,使用双路径架构於末端耦合,并於辐射臂上采取适当接地点电感效应作输入阻抗匹配,达成涵盖GSM900/DCS/PCS/UMTS系统的四个操作频带;在第四章中,采用倒F形架构并使用耦合馈入方式,使得长辐射金属臂在低频900 MHz附近产生共振,产生低频基频模态及高阶模态,以达成宽频及频宽涵盖GSM900/DCS/PCS/UMTS频带操作,并有效缩减使用体积;最后,分别比较此三种架构的优缺点,再加以业界角度来思考,研发产品天线的流程及思考方向,以及天线应用於可携式导航装置中未来的展望作为本论文的总结。

They could be divided into three kinds of species when Genetic distance was0.36, six kinds when 1.9 (5) Chromatography factors of Determination of capsicin by high performance liquidchromatography: The mobile phase was V(CH_3OH): V(H_2O)=75:25 with a flowrate of 1.2ml/min, UV detector set at 280nm, columniation temperature 25℃. Thecapsicin contents of 12 hot peppers were 0.07 to 8.02 mg/g. The hottest wasWild-hill-pepper-1 in Yaan, which contained the highest capsicin. In the next placesof capsicin contents were Wild-hill-pepper-2, To-sky-pepper-2 andTo-sky-pepper-1.The Jiaozhou-long-pepper from Jiaozhou in Shandong provincecontained lowest capsicin.


The results can be expressed as follows:(1) With the increase of water phase content, the amine salt aggregated orderly in different forms such as W/O micro-emulsion, nodus-knot catenulate aggregates, layer liquid crystal and O/W micro-emulsion.(2) In layer liquid crystal, SO〓 mainly combined with amine salt cation by two oxygen atoms in bridge.(3) In UV-VIS spectrum of layer L. C., there is an absorption about 500 nm and "light short circuit"appeared about 430 nm. These phenomena may be very important for measuring the distance between the layers of the L.


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Train In The Distance
Friends In The Distance
Words In The Distance

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
