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in the distance相关的网络例句

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与 in the distance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The distance between tribological pairs in magnetic storage systems and microelectromechanical systems have been in the order of nanometer scale.


This study was carried out in collective-owned summer grassland in Ganchaitan, which is located at the south foot of eastern Lenglongling Mountain (a branch of north Qilian Mountain), with yak and Tibetan sheep miscellaneously grazed on it. The grassland type could be classified as alpine meadow, dominated by Potentilla froticosa shrub. This study, under grads grazing stress, focused on the community structure, composition, species diversity, above-ground biomass of PFS, by using pane net sampling based on spatial distribution in stead of temporal succession. Results showed that: Grazing stress negatively related to the distance between grazing area and resident area.

以祁连山北支冷龙岭东段南麓的甘柴滩夏季牧场集体长期混合放牧的高寒金露梅Potentilla froticosa灌丛草场为对象,利用空间分布代替时间演替的方法,采用方格网法取样分析调查,对不同放牧压力梯度下金露梅灌丛群落的结构、组成、物种多样性、地上生物量进行研究,结果表明:①放牧居住点由远到近,放牧压力梯度不断增加,金露梅株高、密度、覆盖度、地上生物量和丛间草地的地上生物量均有不同程度的降低,地上的总生物量降低幅度达84.77%。

Mackey, who the won Iditarod and Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race twice in a row in 2007 and 2008, is the only musher to win both of the long distance sled dog races in the same year.


Like most of Kenya's distance runners, Lel lives and trains in the high altitude Nandi hills of the Rift Valley around the town of Eldoret in Western Kenya, scene of much of the ethnic violence in January this year.


Based on the existed research, the study found that the selection of these subjects have rarely been studied, so the selection of this theme has significance in the information society geography theory and can rich the tourist sites in geography study and can guide new thoughts. The second part discusses distance decay effects in web sever when attenuation theory be chose in electronic age location. It considers 7 factors: knowledge spillover environment and yi to technological innovation information reaches nature, decision-maker behavior,human capital factor, supply chain environment, yi to the developed communication net and network of communication lines reaches nature, agglomeration factor, commercial and trade circumstance. Part three studies location significance of outdoor sports websites. Though investigating and analyzing our country 30 cities's outdoor sports websites in China, the author gives out the location characteristics of outdoor sports websites in actual geographical space, and take Shijiazhuang for example, the author analyzes the stadiums gathering effection to the outdoor sports websites which are near the stadiums, and dividing the location into gathering area and non-gathering area the author studies the effects for information flow guiding people flow. Part four is the conclusion which includes four conclusions reached by this article.


After that we extend Steinbergs conjecture by showing that all simple graphs embedded in the surface of nonnegative characteristic number without i(4≤i≤6) faces in which any two triangles have distance at least 3 are 3-colorable.


Nursling science education goal can not adapt to the need of the era of knowledge economy and information and we must study it deeply and make an relative adjustment. Teachers play an important role in the course of executing nursling science education at present. There is big distance among teachers in scientific fiber, science knowledge, scientific ability, lacking high fiber teachers has confined the development of nursling scientific education in Zhengzhou, even in the whole country, it must be changed through effective system and means.


The second place, Ennon,"near Salim"(John, iii, 23), the extreme northern point marked in the Madaba mosaic map, is described in Eusebius's "Onomasticon" as being eight miles south of Seythopolis, and should be sought probably at Ed-Deir or El-Ftur, a short distance from the Jordan Lagrange, in "Revue Biblique", IV, 1895, pp.

第二个地方,安隆,"在萨里米附近"(约翰, iii ,23),在马大巴的军用镶嵌地图北端有显著的标致,在尤西比乌斯的"词类汇编"里记载是位于 Seythopolis南面八英里处,也很可能在离约旦不远处的 Ed-Deir 和 El-Ftur 找得到。

In this paper, effects of one of the fibre nonlinearities, four-wave mixing, in long distance coherent multichannel optical fibre transmission are studied.


In this paper, the standard of RS-485 bus and its applications in an UPS monitor system are introduced, and in the situation of overfull load nodes or overlong transmission distance, a repeat circuit of RS-485 is proposed.

介绍了RS 4 85总线规范及其在UPS监控系统中的应用,并针对负载节点过多或传输距离长的特点,提出了一种RS 4 85中继电路。

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Train In The Distance
Friends In The Distance
Words In The Distance

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
