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in the distance相关的网络例句

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与 in the distance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The remotest distance in the world, no, I stand in front of you, but you do not know that I love you .


You can gauge the distance by estimating which fashion was in vogue in the big cities.


RESULTS: In the 1105 girl students examined, the average interpupillary distance was 59.27mm in the normal eyesight group and 59.35mm in the myopia group, without significant difference by statistical treatment.


According to the division principle of flue gas sampling point in round stack,the paper gives a convenient and prac-tical formula of the dixtance from sampling point to inwall and corrects the errors in table of the distance value from sampling point to in wall in the published literatures.


The yantra used in the Homa, will keep all negativity at a distance and bring in divine and auspicious energies.


In addition, there is a "pseudo-myopia", which due to excessive use of regulatory role For example, in children, adolescents reading, the reading with the eye too close a distance, it is bound to increase the regulatory role of the eye, causing ciliary muscle function to enhance or spasm, this occurrence of myopia in school, and family to learn some of the irrational factors , for example, a natural classroom lighting, lighting, lighting, seating, seated, excessive use eyes, pay attention to eye health, eye fatigue is closely related to myopia is divided into mild myopia (-3D below); moderate myopia (-- 3D - 6D),-6D or more as high myopia, myopia authenticity required to wear appropriate glasses, children and adolescents need to be fully dilated in the absence of regulating state optometry, refraction measured by the eye itself, after the age of 18 , in the myopia progression-free circumstances, do radial keratotomy to correct myopia.


In the whole rats, the following tissues or organs were extracted and fixed in the most appropriated fixator (Bouin liquid or Formalin at 10%) then included in paraffin blocks : all the organs showing significant macroscopic lesions, encephalon (brain hemisphere, cerebellum and annular protuberance), spinal cord, sciatic nerve, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileon, caecum and colon, rectum, liver, spleen, bone marrow, lymph node close to and at distance, thymus, heart, aorta, trachea, lungs, thyroid/parathyroid, surrenals, pancreas, hypophysis, kidney, bladder, gonad, uterus, mammary glands, epididymis, prostate, eyes, lachrymal glands, bones, skin, thigh muscle and implantation sites (2 per animal).

从整体大鼠内,下列组织或器官提取后用最适宜的固化剂( Bouin 液或10%的甲醛溶液)进行固定,然后包入石蜡块内:所有显示有明显肉眼可见损害的器官、脑髓、脊髓、坐骨神经、唾液腺、食道、胃、十二指肠、空肠、回肠、盲肠、大肠、直肠、肝脏、脾、骨髓、近端和远端淋巴结、胸腺、心脏、主动脉、气管、肺、甲状腺/甲状旁腺、肾上腺、胰腺、垂体、肾、膀胱、性腺、子宫、乳腺、附睾、前列腺、眼睛、泪腺、骨骼、皮肤、股肌以及假体植入部位(每只动物2处)。

The resistivity was calculated following the equation ρ=PA/L, where ρ is the resistivity in kΩ.cm, R the electrical resistance in kΩ, A the latten area in cm2, and L the distance between electrodes in cm.

电阻率的计算公式后,ρ=尼龙/ L,其中ρ是在kΩ。cm电阻率,研究在kΩ的电阻,一个平方厘米的黄铜薄片地区,和L电极之间厘米的距离。

The " cloud " in the " between pink clouds of white emperor of decline of day of the " in the poem is vapor is encountered cold the Xiaoshui that form drips to gather and be become in float of empty horizontally pivoted hung, the hill of river of liquefacient;" a thousand li in belonging to states of matter to change returns the " in " one day one day to return ", the rate that shows a boat is very rapid,"What " of a thousand li points to is distance,"What a day of " points to is caw of simian sound of time;" two sides does not live ", simian ululation is by simian vocal cords vibration generation, canoe of the;" in relying on air to upload person ear from the bank already crossed " of 10 thousand heavy hill, be it is with hill consult content, the boat is moving,"Canoe " explained the quality of the boat is lesser, and still got water is opposite it up buoyancy.


The longest distance in the world is not between living and death ,but when I stand in front of you ,and you never know that I love you.


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Train In The Distance
Friends In The Distance
Words In The Distance

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
