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in the distance相关的网络例句

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与 in the distance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Near distance acoustic fields are payed attention in intelligent acoustic mine and the measurement of tranquil targets' radiate field and acoustic feature monitor of targets in the haven , etc.


In his opinion: freedom in modern society is a kind of inter-control relationship between human and objects, that is an illusion of freedom; personality is the outcome of the batch production of consumer system; it is a kind of self-shoot, a shadowy self-comfort and satisfaction; the aesthetic distance formed the lonely state of modern human, this makes favor and identity be important motivity of consumption; nature here has been changed to naturety, it is a consumable symbol opposes to real nature; art and artworks gradually turns into sign; as the container and carrier of spirit, body has been changed to a separate object, a kind of capital that needs to be managed and operated; the inimitably expansion of image in mass media make human immerse in the aspiration of itself, which makes human fowardly go into the matrix of consumption.Abundant objects and information are accumulated in supermarkets and mass media, which give people an image of rich. At the same time, commodity appears in series to rise people's desire. The difference between kinds of commodity has gradually been erased, replacing the utility as object.


It figures centrally in the theory of external arguments and in the characterization of long-distance anaphora.


Under the conditions of stir speeds 400 r·min~(-1) and distance between anode and cathode 1 mm, by using the orthogonal design, the optimum technological conditions were found that the current density was 0.3 A·cm~(-2), initial NaOH concentration in catholyte was 50 g·L~(-1), reaction times of two steps were all theoretical electrochemical reaction times. In the first electrosynthesis, initial Na_2CrO_4 concentration in anolyte was 650 g·L~(-1), and reaction temperature was 80℃. In the second electrosynthesis, initial Na_2Cr_2O_7 concentration in anolyte was 700 g·L~(-1), and reaction temperature was 85℃.


Nevertheless, right from the start he demonstrated great tactical planning. With the Allied landing a success, Lettow-Vorbeck pulled his forces some distance back, not in full retreat as seemed apparent, but simply in order to draw the British and Indian forces further inland, catching them in a crossfire and inflicting heavy casualties, quickly obliging a British retreat back to Tanga Bay to consolidate. Over the next couple of years Lettow-Vorbeck launched raids into the British colonies of Kenya and Rhodesia, the aim being to destroy forts situated there, along with railway track and carriages. His Askari troops, trained in the Prussian manner, gained in confidence and experience with each successful raid.


Bastinado and fan are having the color of widely different, as opposite as fan, nature of bastinado general put to good use is additional the might of two large elements, thunder and blaze, the destruction of tall harm output, long-range attack force, will make bastinado becomes battleground over another strong backup force force, in the meantime, because bastinado cannot be in close body battle,gain an advantage, because this maintains a distance with the enemy from beginning to end, will be the one and only way that bastinado develops its dominant position, and the instant of bastinado is mobile, will be the enemy in be kept constantly on the run, be defeated in make the foot of the person of bastinado falls.


You're in the batter's box when the 6-ft., 1 in. pitcher unleashes a bundle of blonde fury: whippet arm windmilling across the mound, ball screaming toward the plate at some 65 m.p.h. Because of the short, 40-ft. mound distance in softball, that's like trying to hit a 90 m.p.h. pitch in baseball. Swing and a miss.


I believe that civilization on around us, from our very close, almost Of your fingertips, and sometimes civilization is only 10 centimeters away from us the distance, sometimes only a few dozen centimetres in width, sometimes, may be the thickness of a piece of paper, I believe, in fact civilization on in our hearts, we will in life Inadvertently revealed.


Tai,i.e.sunrise in the ease,sunset glow,ribbon-shaped Yellow River in Distance,jade plates in rolling sea of cloud.


By metaphorically invoking the photographic terminology in the spirit of Bergsonian / Deleuzian time-movement interpretation as inspiration, the exhibition Timelapse in which a dozen artists from both Switzerland and China will participate, attempts to examine the fundamental constituent of digital media: the concept of time and its embodiment in space, its evocation of passage and memory, its movement of differentiation and its state of representation in diverse formal grammars to reveal the social implications of the fast in the disguise of the slow, the multiplicity in temporality and disparity in spatiality, both psychologically and geographically, stirring up a desire to scrutinize the nuances and ramifications in regards to the construct of cultural being in the disparate framework of time in distance and space in locality and the potential collapse of such time-space duality.

本次展览以柏格森以及德卢兹( Deleuze,均为法国哲学家)有关时间-运动的解释为契机,含蓄地缓引&延时&这一摄影术语,在瑞士和中国两国艺术家的参与中,试图检验数字媒体的根本构成因数,及时间的概念以及其在空间中的体现,其对于过程和记忆的启示,其运动所产生的差异,以及其在运用形式语言时所呈现的不同表象,从而揭示被缓慢所遮掩的亟速之社会内蕴,其在时空中之心理与地理间的多样化和差异性,激起我们对于细察在不同的时空概念的框架下文化的构建,以及对于这种时空二元性之崩溃的可能性的欲念。

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Train In The Distance
Friends In The Distance
Words In The Distance

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
