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in the distance相关的网络例句

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与 in the distance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By metaphorically invoking the photographic terminology in the spirit of Bergsonian / Deleuzian time-movement interpretation as inspiration, the exhibition Timelapse in which a dozen artists from both Switzerland and China will participate, attempts to examine the fundamental constituent of digital media: the concept of time and its embodiment in space, its evocation of passage and memory, its movement of differentiation and its state of representation in diverse formal grammars to reveal the social implications of the fast in the disguise of the slow, the multiplicity in temporality and disparity in spatiality, both psychologically and geographically, stirring up a desire to scrutinize the nuances and ramifications in regards to the construct of cultural being in the disparate framework of time in distance and space in locality and the potential collapse of such time-space duality.

本次展览以柏格森以及德卢兹( Deleuze,均为法国哲学家)有关时间-运动的解释为契机,含蓄地缓引"延时"这一摄影术语,在瑞士和中国两国艺术家的参与中,试图检验数字媒体的根本构成因数,及时间的概念以及其在空间中的体现,其对于过程和记忆的启示,其运动所产生的差异,以及其在运用形式语言时所呈现的不同表象,从而揭示被缓慢所遮掩的亟速之社会内蕴,其在时空中之心理与地理间的多样化和差异性,激起我们对于细察在不同的时空概念的框架下文化的构建,以及对于这种时空二元性之崩溃的可能性的欲念。

But Jews too young to have watched Israel rout three Arab armies in six days in 1967 are less likely to see it as heroic, morally superior, in need of help, or even relevant."Israel in the Age of Eminem", a report written in 2003 for the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, a Jewish charity, concluded that "There is a distance and detachment between young American Jews and their Israeli cousins that does not exist among young American Arabs and has not existed in the American Jewish community until now."

但是那些过于年轻而未曾见过以色列人1967年在6天里就击溃三支阿拉伯大军的犹太人就不太可能认为其英勇、道德优越、需要帮助或是诸如此类。2003年为犹太人慈善团体"安德里亚与查尔斯·布隆夫曼慈善事业"( Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies )所撰写的一份报告总结说,"在年青美国犹太人与其以色列同胞之间存在着疏远和脱离,这在美国阿拉伯人中则不存在,在美国的犹太人社团中直到现在也不存在。"

My name is XX,24 years old,Koreaner,and graduated from XX major on july this year.i have dad ,mom,and sister in my family.father is a worker in a airport,while mother is a teacher.i grew up at such traditional family,so parents were strict with me,they tought me much.until graduation from high school,I was able to enterYanbian University without parents' care.instead of feeling reluctant to part with parents,I was imvolved in new life rapidly.because of my lively personality and easy-going,teachers and classmates spoke highly of me.at other times,I loved reading and searching information in the internet.morover,I reinforced own Korean,english and computer competency continuously,took advantage of two years to study korean in the opportunity class,and then met many foreign friends to proceed mutual learning as partners.over my four-studing out of home,I cultivated strong characteristic,which made me overcome many difficulties from studying nad living.i majored in education technology ,the professional subjects contain three aspects about hardware and software on computer,education and use of multimedia,for example,OFFICE software,IMAGE-PROCE ING software,NLE software and various computer language,data organization,digit circuit,education,educational psychology,distance learning etc.i valuing practice often do come part-time jobs to accumulate some social practice experiences by making use of outside school hours ,except for the basic curriculums in the school.in my leasure time,I often go sporting,such as mountaineering,swimming,riding bicycle and so on,as well as paricipation some activities organized by sc


I wanted to be with you alone And talk about the weather But traditions i can trace against the child in your face Won't escape my attention You keep your distance with a system of touch And gentle persuasion I'm lost in admiration could i need you this much Oh, you're wasting my time You're justx3 wasting time Something happens and i'm head over heels I never find out till i'm head over heels Something happens and i'm head over heels Ah don't take my heart Don't break my heart Don't throw it away I made a fire and watching burn Thought of your future With one foot in the past now just how long will it last No no no have you no ambition My mother and my brothers used to breathe in clean in air And dreaming i'm a doctor It's hard to be a man when there's a gun in your hand Oh i feel so...


In D3 gene with 5 site mutations. There exists individual variation in the COII gene, but this variation is less than that among other members of Myzomyia Series such as An. aconitus, An. jeyporiensis, etc. In addition, one haplotype different from both An. minimus A and C was found in these 3 genes studied.②The genetic distance between An. minimus A and An. minimus C is less than that among other members of Myzomyia Series. Molecular trees based on different genes and different methods show that An.


The distance of papermaking in between in our country and in developed countries is expounded.


In D3 gene with 5 site mutations. There exists individual variation in the COII gene, but this variation is less than that among other members of Myzomyia Series such as An. aconitus, An. jeyporiensis, etc. In addition, one haplotype different from both An. minimus A and C was found in these 3 genes studied.②The genetic distance between An. minimus A and An. minimus C is less than that among other members of Myzomyia Series. Molecular trees based on different genes and different methods show that An.


Historically, extensive hydrologic connectivity among populations might have facilitated long-distance gene flow and resulted in the pattern of genetic variation revealed in this study, and also played great roles in population dynamics and population persistence of V. spinulosa in this region.


On the aspect of contract law: Firstly, this article particularizes the regulations which request proprietor expose relevant information in the long distance selling and make some suggestion that consumer should acquire more information in E-commerce. Secondly, it compares the right of unthreading commodity in Taiwan region and that in EU and suggests that consumer who makes shopping in INTERNET should have the right of unconditional unthreading commodity in certain period. Thirdly, it analyses the specialty of digital commodity transaction, pointing the peculiar regulation of computer information transactions in America and its meaning to China. Fourthly, it enumerates the action of regulating format contract in INTERNET and suggests contract item should be strictly regulated.


As there are sparse superpositions in in-line direction and larger offsets, it is easy to cause the "acquisition footprints". Therefore, the suggestions for shortening shot-line distance by increasing folds in in-line direction and for using a scheme of folds of 12x5 or 10x6 have been made.


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Train In The Distance
Friends In The Distance
Words In The Distance

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
