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in the distance相关的网络例句

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与 in the distance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author provides a solution based on added-on restraint zone to the problem of TA saturation. The distance protection is another important content. The thesis compares the relays based on operation equation with relays based on distance measuring. And then puts forward some viewpoints in changeable characteristics Mho relay, grounding fault distance relay, delta-Z relay and the power system swing and protection blocking.


In: Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1999: 1958~1962.[9] Kennedy J. Small worlds and Mega-minds: effects of neighborhood topology on particle swarm performance. In: Proceedings Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1999: 1931~1938.[10] Peram T, Veeramachaneni K, Mohan C K. Fitness-distance-ratio based particle swarm optimization.

近来性能较为显著的基于PSO算法的改进算法有Thanmaya Peram[10]等人于2003年提出的基于粒子群优化的适应值-距离-比例算法(Fitness-Distance-Ratio based Particle Swarm Optimization, FDR-PSO),在此算法中每个粒子根据一定的适应值-距离-比例原则,向附近具有较好适应值的多个粒子进行不同程度的靠近,而不仅仅只向当前所发现的最好粒子靠近。

The local decision space partitioning is given in the sense of maximum Bhattacharyya distance criterion. The optimality and the non-triviality of the partitioning scheme are proved. The reasonability of using Bhattacharyya distance as partitioning criterion is analyzed. The simulation results show that the partitioning method based on Bhattacharyya distance criterion is superior to that based on J-diversity criterion.

研究了基于 Bhattacharyya 距离准则的决策空间优化划分问题,求出了在 Bhattacharyya 距离最大意义下的决策空间划分方法,证明了这种决策空间划分方法的最优性和非退化性,分析了选择 Bhattacharyya 距离作为划分准则的合理性,并进行了计算机仿真比较,结果表明基于 Bhattacharyya 距离准则的决策空间优化划分优于基于最大 J-散度准则的决策空间划分。

In P. dabryanus, the PdSox8 and PdSox9 were successfully localized in the No.4 and No.2 telocentric chromosome respectively, the relative distance to centromere is 40.2% and 67.5%; In M. anguillicaudatus, they were localized in the No.9 and No.6 telocentric chromosome respectively, the relative distance to centromere is 58.3% and 30.8%.

结果表明,在大鳞副泥鳅中PdSox8和PdSox9分别位于端部着丝粒染色体第4和第2 号即t4和t2染色体上,信号位点距着丝粒的相对距离分别为40.2%和67.5%;在泥鳅中,则分别位于t9和t6上,信息位点距着丝粒的相对距离分别为58.3%和30.8%。

The distance which have been used most often was presented in Juang and Rabiner's documents[2] (for short, J-R distance), At present most of the documents uses this distance or only modifies it a little.


It is the distance of the blind man from the glory of the picture in front of him. The distance of the deaf man from the beauty of the symphony sounding round about him. It is the distance of the sensate man from all the movement of life in the midst of which he lives.


Presently, the Distance Education has become an important content in the process of educational. the web-based course is the core of the distance education,which scale and implementation decide the distance learning quality.


Turned the distance between the space point and the beeline and the distance between the two beelines which are not in the same plane into the maximum of the distance between the point and the plane pencil.


In this paper,an uniform and intuitional method is given to get the spatial distance including the distance between the space point and the plane,the distance between the space point and the beeline,and two beelines which are not in the same plane.


"The objects can be thought of as points in space, with the distance between points given by a distance formula, such that:(1) the distance from point A to point B is zero if and only if A and B are identical ,"


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Train In The Distance
Friends In The Distance
Words In The Distance

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
