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As the level of obscuration is relatively large, even people that are not aware of this event will notice a decrease in brightness of the sky.

香港将可於当天早上看到一次食分颇大的日偏食,其食分将会是自 1958 年 4 月 19 日的日环食以来最大的。

Taking account of the characteristics of WSN, the Baum-Welch algorithm is extended to design a complex event recognition algorithm that is discussed in detail for the state constraints and the way to process the observation window.


Here we show, with statistical support, that a microbialite resurgence also occurred after the Late Ordovician extinction event in western North America.


An example that sums up his nature: More than a year ago, at a press event to debut the then-latest version of his signature Nike shoe, the Zoom Kobe II, Bryant told a story about being so enamored with Orca Whales after reading about their pack-hunting mentality, he wanted his Lakers to attack their opponents in the same way on the basketball court.


Or was it some dynamic that I had partaken in with my helping the older gentleman out two weeks prior to my event with the young fellow.


Apoptosis is an important cellular event that plays a key role in pathogeny and therapy of many diseases.

摘 要:细胞凋亡是机体生命活动中重要的细胞学事件,在许多疾病的治疗中也起着关键性的作用。

The Permittee shall display prominently this Permit at the place where the fund-raising event is held so as to inform members of the public that a Permit has been obtained from the Director of Social Welfare in accordance with the law.


The research leads to following conclusions: A The age of the ferromanganese contacting with the upper phosphate layer is 14.9 Ma; B The crust had been grown continually without sedimentation interruption since 14.9 Ma, suggesting that it can be used to rebuild the environment of palaeo-ocean and palaeo-climate from 14.9 Ma to 0 Ma; C The sedimentation interruption between the ferromanganese and the upper phosphate layer lasted around 4 Ma; D Between 19 Ma and 22.7 Ma, great phosphatization event happened in this area, which might cause the sedimentation interruption from 22.7 Ma to 14.9 Ma; E The ferromanganese crust began to grow from 75 Ma.

对超微量Sr同位素测试得到的富钴结壳磷酸盐年龄进行分析认为:(1)上部富钴结壳与上层白色磷酸盐化层接触部位的年龄为14.9 Ma;(2)自14.9 Ma以来,结壳的生长是连续的,沉积间断发生的可能性非常小,该样品可以用来进行14.9 Ma年以来古海洋、全球变化的重建工作;(3)上层白色磷酸盐化层与其上部的富钴结壳之间存在4 Ma的沉积间断;(4)19 Ma~22.7 Ma左右在该区发生过大规模的磷酸盐化作用,磷酸盐化作用可能造成磷酸盐化时期(19 Ma~22.7 Ma)和之后4 Ma(19 Ma~14.9 Ma)富钴结壳的沉积间断;(5)结壳的初始生长年龄在75 Ma左右;(6)老结壳的生长速度要远低于新结壳的生长速度。

He seemed oblivious of the fact he had just surpassed his personal best by three inches and that he was one of the final two competitors in the pole-vaulting event at the National Junior Olympics.


Polyglot Club is really a great idea, that's why I work so hard to do it in Shanghai, I think it's an interesting event for people to gather together, practise language and make friends!

Polyglot Club现在还在发展期,也非常感谢大家的支持,我也在努力的把它做好,如果你有任何的意见和建议,非常希望你能告诉我!

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Someday, In The Event That Mankind Actually Figures Out What It Is That This World Revolves Around, Thousands Of People Are Going To Be Shocked...
In The Event That Everything Should Go Terribly

This brought fixed cost, but it also is meant at the same time use a source to won't make you singlehanded assume a problem.


He gained a small fortune in real estate.


Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America.
