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in fine相关的网络例句

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与 in fine 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The petrographic type of the Early Cambrian granites in the Huzhong area of Heilongjiang Province, is proved to be monzonitic granite, the Early Cambrian granites are divided into four intrusive periods based on the cognate magma evolution theory, and the rock structures show that the granularity evolutive tendency is from fine grain to coarse grain in the texture.


European Project Lead Jon Murph恶意广告tated in an interview with Next Generation on Friday that Konami's commitment to fine-tuning the 2008 game was critical in making the Wii version a success.

欧洲项目部的负责人Jon Murphy说,周五与次世代游戏开发商会面,光荣承诺将改进《职业进化足球2008》,这对于Wii版的成功至关重要

Late Ming and early Qing Qu Dajun, Guangdong in the new language "contains:" Dongguan to Hong rice taste various miscellaneous fish, including the steamed lotus leaves, Murraya in thoroughly, and fine-sounding name of lotus leaf rice.


Metallographic examination displayed fine niddle shape grains in laser welds and large grains in pulsed tungsten argon welds which became finer after heat treatment.


The reaction of the urban type of mind to some genuinely rural names in New England was thus expressed by Sweetser:" Nomenclatural degradation is found in the various Hog-back Mountains, and the villainous names given to the fine peaks of the Ossipee Range, which are called the Black Snouts by the neighboring rustics."''6 By fiat of the U.


The reaction of the urban type of mind to some genuinely rural names in New England was thus expressed by Sweetser:" Nomenclatural degradation is found in the various Hog-back Mountains, and the villainous names given to the fine peaks of the Ossipee Range, which are called the Black Snouts by the neighboring rustics."''6 By fiat of the U.

因此,在新英格兰,都市的思想类型与某些真正农村的名字起反应就被Sweetser表达为:&在各处猪背山脉(Hog-back Mountains)发现了命名的退化,而新罕布什尔州Ossipee山脉陡削的山峰被给予了邪恶的名字,它们被临近的乡巴佬称之为&黑象鼻虫。

Business card printing and membership card phantom follows the rules of art, the early business card printing and membership card more conventional, Phantom, rigor, the present business card printing and membership card in this regard, Phantom, incorporates nonanatomical fine arts in rules, which has greatly enriched the business card printing and membership card expressive force of the Phantom, and with the help of computers make business card printing and membership card production processing methods both convenient and rich, makes up for his personality.


Based on the analysis of the forces acting on the fine grains in the skeleton pores,a capillary-tube model is introduced to characterize the development of piping in noncohesive soil s.


The characteristics and process features of Italy NOY PET/PA fine denier yarn spinning equipment were introduced. The difference in chip drying, transferring and spinning system was emphasized in contrast to normal equipment. The requirement for process parameters such as chip drying, spinning temperature and velocity and quenching conditions etc.

介绍意大利 NOY工程公司配置的涤纶两用细旦纺丝机的设备特征及工艺特点,着重指出了该设备在切片干燥、输送和纺丝系统上与常规设备的差异,并结合生产实例对涤纶细旦纺丝在切片干燥、纺丝温度、纺丝速度和侧吹风条件等工艺上的要求作了探讨。

Hong Young YAN pointed out, ibid., squids and octopi are the two major cases of cephalopod. Squids are found everywhere in the five oceans, and never observed as endangered under human's mass hunting and the natural enemies' threat, which means they must be in possession of fine "sense" to protect themselves from dangerous environment.


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(Come On In) The Whiskey's Fine

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
