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in fine相关的网络例句

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与 in fine 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Winger Robbie Brady has been in fine form in Northern Ireland this week, and the Dubliner struck his fifth goal of the tournament.


The aim of contract interpretation is not in fine understanding and depiction,but in the criterion enginery of contract,which is we called the norm of judgment.


I had never seen this double cluster in Cassiopeia before. But instead of having to spend nights squinting through an eyepiece trying to catch a glimpse of it, Bob Fera has delivered it anyone who has a computer and an Internet connection. And deliver it in fine style he has!

我从来没有见过这个仙后座这个双星系,但不需要为了瞄上一眼就化整个晚上从目镜里斜视,Bob Fera把它带给了所有有一台电脑和Internet的人,并且是用他特有的精细风格!

Moody's, a rating agency in which Warren Buffett's investment company owns a 17% stake, is certainly in fine fettle.


The first is what are the fewest points of motion necessary to animal progression, the second why sanguineous animals have four points and not more, but bloodless animals more than four, and generally why some animals are footless, others bipeds, others quadrupeds, others polypods, and why all have an even number of feet, if they have feet at all; why in fine the points on which progression depends are even in number.

首先是运动是什么必要的动物进展最低分,第二个为什么血红的动物有四点意见,而不是多,但不流血的动物超过4,一般为什么一些动物是无足,其他两足动物,其他四足动物,其他polypods ,为什么都有一个偶数的脚,如果他们在所有的脚,为什么在精细点上的进展取决于更是增多。

He did not hop any more, but stood upright on his hind legs and dressed himself in fine clothes and sat in chairs and did all the things that people do; so he soon came to be called the Frogman, and that is the only name he has ever had.


Pyrocatechol and hydroquinone, as important raw material intermediates in fine chemical industries, are used in many fields.


In fact, it is necessary to ensure cadre in fine feather when working, but the government should punish the abnormal cadre instead of limit their private life.


This visiting has made a great contribution to the improvement of the atmosphere in the company and the promotion of the relationship among the staff; also it has given us a great opportunity to have leisure times. It's really a good plan to let us contact the nature intimately, which also makes us in fine feather.


Argentina is in fine form after thrashing Canada 5-0 Monday in its final warmup for the World Cup.


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(Come On In) The Whiskey's Fine

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
