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In order to reduce the dimension in the feature vectors, we provided the quantizing algorithms of the color space in detail in this paper with the amount of calculation reduced.
The composition, properties, steps of using, plotting process, and database connection methods are all introduced in detail in the article. In the last, some graph examples drawn by ZedGraph are given in sluices monitoring and early warning system.
According to the characteristics of the fuse industry and the research condition, We applied ZPrinter310 system to produce the fuze prototypes and used these prototypes to help design in the project argumentation phase, got the final project;Then we applied AFS-320 rapid prototyping system to produce the noumenon, analyzed the noumenon's precision、surface quality and performance of material mechanics in detail,based on these analytic results,we considered to use the noumenon in the fuze local performance test and some laboratory experimentations;At last we discussed how to combine the rapid tooling and precision foundry to produce batch of samples, we can apply these samples in the fuze system and ball cartridge experimentation.
7 Mm casing drilling technology in batch drilling on the Chenghai-1 platform in Dagang Oilfield was introduced in detail,including tools used in casing drilling,structures and principles of casing driver and the casing shoe,major equipment requirements of casing drilling,drilling process,and cementing techniques without drilling rig.
7 Mm casing drilling technology in batch drilling on the Chenghai-1 platform in Dagang Oilfield was introduced in detail,including tools used in casing drilling,structures and principles of casing driver and the casing shoe,major equipment requirements of casing drilling,drilling process,and cementing techniques without drilling rig.
简要介绍了套管钻井技术的工艺特点及国内外研究现状,详细介绍了φ339.7 mm套管钻井技术在大港油田埕海一号平台批钻井中的应用情况,包括套管钻井使用的工具———套管钻井驱动器和套管钻鞋的结构和工作原理;套管钻井的主要设备要求、工艺流程以及无钻机固井工艺。
The application of φ339.7 mm casing drilling technology in batch drilling on the Chenghai-1 platform in Dagang Oilfield was introduced in detail,including tools used in casing drilling,structures and principles of casing driver and the casing shoe,major equipment requirements of casing drilling,drilling process,and cementing techniques without drilling rig.
The research finally suggested that it is difficult to its follow-up check after collision , and write down all accident details in advance , the deck log will be recorded in detail , adopt stating with the shipowner unanimously in accident , various kinds of fact reports , if time and environment is permitted obtaining the information of the other ship , the endorsing of letter of commitment of responsible ship is required , as stated by the safety management rule of international marine stipulates , the shipowner is besides must manage her ship fleet to set up a set of safety system of feasible monitor procedure , and it will so as to ensure do effective risk management , in order to reduce the injury of humanlife and environment , it can accord with management the ship owner continued forever.
To Oct. Leaders and teachers from AQSIQ, MOFCOM, Ministry of Foreign Affair and Party School of Guangdong CCP committee will be invited. Professional experts, scholars with good English communicative skills will teach at the workshop. There will be 14 lectures including: Fundamental Realities of China, Commerce in China, China's Reform and Opening, Chinese Foreign Relations, Decision Mechanism, Administration Capacity Building, Cost Control, Kimberley Process Certification Scheme Requirements in Detail, Entry-Exit Surveillance and Risk Assessment, Internal Surveillance and Work Guide System Building, The Application of Network Administration System in Kimberley Process, Kimberley Process Certification Scheme Operational Management Website Practice, Rough Diamond Trade and Processing Control Practice, Rough Diamond Inspection Technology; 3 on-site practice courses include: Port Administration Practice, Computer Operating System, Commonly Used Office Software and Internet Practice, and Rough Diamond Inspection Practice; 3 on-site investigation tours include: Business in Cosmopolitan City Guangzhou, Diamond Import-Export and Processing Enterprises Supervision, and Trade Supervision at Shanghai Diamond Exchange.
The characteristics and principle of work of all kinds of combustors in the world isintroduced in this thesis in detail to serve as a valuable reference in gas turbinecombustion system selection and performance test.
本文详细介绍了目前国际上著名的生产厂商设计的各类DLN 燃烧室的特点和工作原理,可以作为燃烧室选型以及性能考核的参考依据。
By employing the Jordan-Wigner transformation and a modified mean field method, we are able to determine its ground-state quantum phase diagram approximately. The chapter IV is the main part of this Thesis. It contains the main innovations in our work. We propose and study in detail a S=1 Ising chain with the interplay of single-ion anisotropy and dimerization. The main results and innovations are the following: We show that the total number of the zero-component of spins at each site is a conserved quantity. This quantity, which may intuitively called as hole's quantum number, is hidden in the system. We show further that the hole's number in the ground-state is zero; By using the Jordan-Wigner transformation, we map this model onto a series of subsystems described by the spin 1/2 dimerized transverse Ising model. We solve the subsystems exactly, by presenting the exact wave functions and spectra;We show that this system exhibits a series of quantum phase transitions by varying the dimerization strength. We determine the quantum critical points exactly. We also show that the criticality is the same as that of the uniform S = 1/2 transverse Ising chain.
第四章是本文的重点及主要创新内容,我们具体研究了自旋为1的在横向单离子晶格场中的一维二聚化Ising链,我们得到的主要结果和创新之处是:(1)证明了这一模型具有一种隐藏的对称性,即自旋第三分量为零的格点数目是一个守恒量,并证明基态出现在空穴数目为零的子空间中;(2)利用Jordan-Wigner 变换将此模型变换到一系列自旋为1/2的横磁场中的二聚化Ising 模型,并给出了相应严格的波函数及能谱;(3)我们发现系统的基态随着二聚化强度的变化将呈现出一系列量子相变,我们得到了量子临界点的精确位置,并证明其临界性质与自旋为1/2的横磁场中的均匀Ising 链中的临界行为属于同一普适类。
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