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in between相关的网络例句

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与 in between 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, firstly, it used word for the demonstration of the qualitative relationship between logistics and industrial cluster, any more, the paper analyzed the role that modern logistics in industrial clusters interior, exterior and in the cluster chain by figure,. It also reasoned the quantitative relations between them by grey correlation theory combined with amount of time series. So it could systematically demonstrate the relation between industrial cluster and modern logistics, and found out the point of penetration.


After analyzing the merit and lack of 9I model, the main idea is proposed: to distill some basic topological relations from 9I model, of which the composite topological relations of complex objects are made up. In detail, the composite topological relationships between region and region, line and line, line and region are particularly discussed;(2)Analyze the characteristics and inner relations of cadastral features. According to the expressional model of complex topological relations, the author discovers the possible topological relations between parcels, parcel lines and parcel points. In addition, sum up the general topological relationship rules of cadastral data.(3) Then the topological relations model is extended to the spatio-temporal data. Time in cadastral database and change semantic are discussed. It's redefined that spatio-temporal topological relations is composed of time, location, status and event relation. Spatio-temporal topological relationships can be represented by extended 4I model. Taking cadastral parcels as example, there are different possible spatio-temporal topological relationships between parcels when they are extended, shrunken, split, merged or others. Thus, some deductions are drawn that, for example, if parcels have be coexisting for some time they are impossible to be overlapped. Furthermore, the parents of parcels alternated and their possible change types can be detected by their spatio-temporal topological relationships.(4) Before carrying out the experiment, the calculation method must be designed.


In accordance with Article 7 of the Regulations which stipulates gold and silver shall not be used as a pricing unit by any unit and individual and that private trade in gold and silver or the use of gold and silver as a loan or as collateral for a credit shall be forbidden, claims and debts between units, between individuals and between units and individuals shall under no circumstances be settled with gold or silver in kind.

五 根据《条例》第七条关于一切单位和个人不得计价使用金银,禁止私相买卖和借贷抵押金银的规定,凡单位之间、个人之间、单位和个人之间发生的债权债务,也一律不得以金银实物清偿。

The human entire history process, has experienced approximately the primitive migration time, settles down primitively the time, competes barbarically the time, the rank smell of blood exploration time, the knowledge explosion time, the technical restriction time, the belief confused time, then is the humanity finally unifies the return time, in each time, between the humanity both cooperates mutually and opposes mutually, in which migration time, between the humanity struggles the mortality coefficient is 1%, namely in 100 individual deaths has one is because between humanity's conflict indirect or creates directly!


And we mention the relationship between the four parameters and temperature in order to show the relationship between its change and stress. In the second place, with making use of the little distortion elasticity theory and diathermanous theory, the method that we study the heat stress , force stress and combined stress in the forging process is educed. And then we will find out the relationship between the four parameters and combinedstress of the forging die.


Results:Biochemical indicators: the concentrations of K+, Na+ and Cl- in the serum after the infusion are different with those before the infusion; other indicators don't have the significant difference. The mean infusion time of group A is longer than that of group B (p=0.006), while the dosis letalis of KCl doesn't have significant difference between groups (p=0.062); the concentrations of K+ in blood, Na+, Mg2+ and Cl- in serum have the significant difference between groups; the urine volume and the concentrations of all the urine electrolyte indicators don't have the statistical significant difference between groups.


Positive relationship was found between the bound cantharidin and Ca element in Mylabris and Epicauta, and between the bound cantharidin and Mg element in Mylabris, but negative relationship was found between the bound canthaiidin and Mg element in Epicauta.


We are more aware of the fragileness of life: the failure in exams, the frustration in getting a promotion, the disharmony between neighbours, the contradictions in the family, the lover who transfers his/her love from one person to another one, the quarrels between children, the bickers between brothers, even those trivialities could make one out of his senses, disturb his mind greatly, thus leading to the crisis of life -- commiting suicide or killing others.


In order to overcome the difficulty in estimating the ripple component on dc-side capacitor reference voltage, the modified control algorithm is proposed by ignoring the ripple component. Furthermore, the relation between control performance and damping coefficient is researched. In addition, the reasons of voltage source converter inner-loop control overmodulation are also analyzed. Based on the relation between control performance and VSC inner-loop input saturation, damping coefficient is adjusted on-line by fuzzy logic reasoning so that the trade-off between control accuracy and limitation of VSC inner-loop control overmodulation is solved preferably.


Results There was significant difference in the FA values in frontal and the splenium of corpus callosum between schizophrenia patients and controls (P.05). There was a statistically significant correlation between FA values in frontal and the PANSS scores (r=0.703. P.05). DTT can not show different between patients and controls.

结果 精神分裂症患者双侧额叶和胼胝体压部的FA值与正常对照组存在显著性差异(P.05),额叶FA值与PANSS量表评分之间存在正相关性(r=0.703,P.05),纤维束成像技术不能显示病例组和对照组的差别。

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Everywhere In Between
Time In Between
In Between
In Between
In Between Days
The Days In Between
In Between
The Space In Between Us
Somewhere In Between
In The In Between

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
