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与 in between 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Farther, this chapter tries to hold a dialogue between the native and the West on a new level of Sino-western mutual understanding, thus, the chapter, with the basic idea of"comparison equals dialogue", launches a discussion focusing on four features: the widely-ranged introduction from anti-alienation spirit, modern humanitarianism and individualism in Western modern art to the anti-Confucianism in Chinese cultural tradition; the seek for the essence of Western modern abstractionist art in Chinese traditional intellectual art atmosphere; the decoding of Western modern non-rationalism based on native cultural tradition; and the discussion on relations between"The Harmony Between Heaven and Man"and Western postmodernism.


Typical bands were used to analyze relation with ecotypes and characters of fruits, indicating that there was no relation between typical bands and ecotypes, but some extent relation between bands and characters of fruits existed. If all cultivars were divided into freestone and clingstone, melting and nonmelting, both freestone (ratio shared total survey, 41/56=73.2%) and clingstone (ratio shared total survey, 33/79=41.8%) appeared in the loci of S_(167)-1050 bp linked marker raised by Warburton et al. It was apparently not strong linkage between the marker and the character, and exchange rate of genes was high. If combinations of S_(167)-850bp and S_(167)-1050bp or S_(167)-850bp and S_(167)-1400bp were used to distinguish characters of fruits, 6 freestone accessions without clingstone ones and 6 melting accessions without nonmelting ones displayed in the first combination of markers, 20 clingstone accessions and 2 semi-freestone ones without freestone ones appeared in the second combination of markers.

通过典型带对不同生态型、果实性状为类别进行分析,结果未发现有与生态型相吻合的特征带出现,而将供试所有品种按离核、粘核和溶质、不溶质划分归类,供试品种在Warburton等得到S_(167)-1050 bp处粘离核分子标记,出现既有离核(占供试离核41/56=73.2%),又有粘核(占供试粘核33/79=41.8%),可见此连锁标记连锁性不强,发生交换的机率较高,而S_(167)-850bp带和S_(167)-1050bp带同时出现时,该组包含6个离核,无粘核品种;6个溶质,而无不溶质。S_(167)-850bp和S_(167)-1400bp同时出现时,包含20个粘核品种和2个半离核品种。

The conclusion is that the path of Nanjie's institutional change is the outcome of the coevolution, say, competition, constraints, enforcement and transformation between the state and market; the coevolution have three dimensions: benefit, legitimacy and ideology; the path and outcome of institutional change in the process of coevolution are shaped by both the dual process of modernization and marketization in China's social transformation and the path dependence and cultural lag in China's incremental reform strategy: on the one hand, as historical conditions, the proceeding and logic of China's modernization constraint the state and market's institutional choices; on the other hand, under the interplay between the path dependence and cultural lag, the interaction between the state and market can produce various complex combinations, therefore various institutional landscape, even "institutional paradox".


In the analysis, firstly, the flux boundary condition is used to simulate the frictional heat resource between wheel and rail. The non-steady heat transfer between the contacting surfaces of the wheel/rail, heat-convection and radiation between the wheel/rail and the ambient were all taken into consideration. Therefore, a heat coupling model of the wheel/rail in rolling/sliding is put forward to calculate the frictional temperature rise in the wheel and rail. Secondly, after the temperature distribution of wheel/rail, due to friction, is calculated, substitute the thermal load with equivalent fictitious body force and boundary distributed force loaded on the nodes of the corresponding elements. The wheel-load is applied to the center of the wheel.


A vertical interdental osteotony was made between the central incisors in 14 patients, between central and laterals in 2 patients, and between lateral and canines in two others.


The fourth chapter analysesthe differences of the resistance between the boundariescalculated by different models.It can seen from the results thatthe differences between resistances calculated by variousfunctions can ignored under unstable conditions.There areobvious differences between different resistances calculated bydifferent functions under stable conditions.However,in bothcases,error from any function to predict transpiration rate isignoble.In order to make more applicable,the Monteith modelwas fished in this chapter.


In accordance with chaotic essence of speech signals , syllable segmentation in continuous speech is researched by fractal theory . an approach of syllable segmentation using variance fractal dimension is proposed , its performance is analyzed in detail . the method can discriminate between voiced and unvoiced , between surd and sonant , but it can hardly discriminate between sonant


The results were as follows:The first, there were significantly differences percent between 0.6μg/mlgroups and other three groups (0.2μg/ml groups, 0.4μg/ml groups and 0.8μg/mlgroups) in 2 hour groups; and there were significantly differences between0.4μg/ml groups and other three groups in 4 hour groups; and there weresignificantly differences between 0.6μg/ml groups and other three groups in 6hour groups; and there were significantly differences between 0.4μg/ml groupsand other three groups in 8 hour groups on the metaphases (P<0.05), in theexperiment of the effect on the mouse 4- cell embryo stage single blastomere ofcolchicine with different concentrations and duration, by x~2 statistical analysis.


At the same time, the finite staff element method is used to analyze the influence of beam rigidity; and the two new methods proposed are used to analyze the influence of connect way between piles and beam; and the conclusion is obtained that the rigidity ratio between beam and piles being 0.48 is appropriate; the continuative increase of the rigidity ratio is not significant; the worst condition is that connecting way between piles and beam is hinged; the best condition is that connecting way between piles and beam is rigid. Whether is single-row pile or are double-row piles, when the front of single-row pile or the front of the front-row pile(in the double-row piles) needed excavation, it is supposed to that ought to be carefulness to excavate, because it is that the engineering cost increased greatly.


Irony: A contrast or an incongruity between what is stated and what is really meant, or between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. Three kinds of irony are (1) verbal irony, in which a writer or speaker says one thing and means something entirely different;(2) dramatic irony, in which a reader or an audience perceives something that a character in the story or play does not know;(3) irony of situation, in which the writer shows a discrepancy between the expected results of some action or situation and its actual results.


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Everywhere In Between
Time In Between
In Between
In Between
In Between Days
The Days In Between
In Between
The Space In Between Us
Somewhere In Between
In The In Between

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
